The Salvation Army - Aberdeen

Most Good in these key areas:

Food Warehouse Volunteers Grab 3 to 5 friends and help assemble food bags for those in need. On average, we help over 20 families each week by giving them food bags through our casework office. We need help to assemble these ahead of time. Your team can sign up for an afternoon shift once a week, once a month or once a quarter. Days and times are flexible. Other duties may include setting items out on our give away table, sorting food onto shelves or other food warehouse projects. Great opportunity for team building, gathering for tele-workers or simply a break from the day to day office duties.


Mealshare Teams –  Does your group want to help serve lunch together one to two days a month?  Groups of 3 to 7 individuals help serve and clean up a nutritious hot lunch to 40 to 50 people.  11:45 am to 1:15 pm


Food Warehouse Drivers – Ever wanted to move items with a pallet jack and a box truck?  Here’s your chance. You have the opportunity up to three times a week to help collect food donations and bring them to our Corps.  Use those muscles to produce great results in our community.  


Mealshare cooks – Rebuilding our monthly volunteer kitchen teams – Does your group want to help prepare and cook a meal for approx. 50 people. 


Food Warehouse Driver – Ever wanted to move items with a pallet jack and a box truck?  Here’s your chance. You have the opportunity up to three times a week to help collect food donations and bring them to our Corps.  Use those muscles to produce great results in our community.


Thrift Store Volunteer – We have been overwhelmed by the public’s generosity and we need your help.   Do you like books? Clothes? Or do you love to find that one unique and memorable item? Help us sort, prep and tag these and many more items for the sales floor. Even just one hour a week can help make a big difference as every sale helps us to help others through our casework office. Great project for Families with teens.

Mealshare host – Greet people as they arrive for our noon time hot lunch.  Make them feel welcome as they choose to dine in or carry out.  Up to five days a week for a little over an hour each day.

Volunteer Administrative Assistant – Help keep our volunteer office running smoothly with data entry, scheduling, correspondence, and background checks. Two hour blocks up to 12 hours a week.

Office Receptionist – Be the first smiling face and friendly voice to people stopping by or calling our front desk. Some minor office work as well.  Shifts from 3 to 4 hours throughout the week.

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General Interests

Team Feed Brown County

Grab 3 to 5 friends and help assemble food bags for those in need. On average, we help over 25 families each week by giving them food bags through our casework office. We need help to assemble these ahead of time. Your team can sign up for an afternoon shift once a week, once a month or once a quarter. Days and times are flexible. Other duties may include setting items out on our give away table, sorting food onto shelves making personal care bags. Great opportunity for team building, gathering for tele-workers or simply a break from the day to day office duties.  Call Tony at 605-225-7410 to discuss details or email

Food Warehouse Driver

Help Fight Hunger in our community. 

Several business donate to us weekly or even daily,  we just need to pick it up.  Pick a morning of the week that you are able to drive our van to pick up boxes of bread, produce or other items. 

Strong legs and back are helpful as some of the boxes can be 40 lbs. 

Contact us at 605-225-7410 or email for more details.

Thrift Store Volunteer

Help raise funds for the work in our community.

Two hours once a month or a few hours a week.  You can help sort donated items for display on our sales floor. 

Maybe you like books, clothes, music, or just like to see the unique items people have dropped off to us.   Items sold through our thrift store help to raise funds to help others in our community meet basic needs.

A great opportunity for groups.

Contact us at 605-225-7410 or email for more information.  


Help Fight Hunger in our community. 

Get 2 to 4 friends together with you and help serve a hot lunch over the noon hour once a month. Your smiles and caring attitude can make a difference in people's lives.

Arrive at 11:45, Serve at noon, call for seconds at 12:20, sit down for a bite and visit with the crowd then begin to clean up.  Most groups are done by 1:15 pm  

Contact us at 605-225-7410 or email for more details.

Administrative Volunteers

Help us minister to our volunteers.

You could be part of the team that help our office to run smoothly. From answering phones, greeting visitors, thanking donors, data entry or general office work, these are the people that help us keep moving forward.  

From two hours a week to several times a month. Call 605-225-7410 or email for more info.

Food Warehouse Worker

Help Fight Hunger in our community. 

From soup cans to bags of walnuts, help us weigh, sort, tag and shelf these donations so that we can make food bags, snack packs and other items to help fight hunger in our community.

From a couple hours a week to several shifts a month , please contact us at 605-225-7410 or email for more details.


Administrative Volunteers

Our small staff could never manage their heavy workload without support from our administrative volunteers.

Opportunities range from simple office and janitorial duties to college internships.

Interested volunteers will need to fill out a volunteer application, pass a background check and be physically able to do the work required for their particuler volunteer opportunity.

Activity Shifts Start End
Administrative Assistant 114 3/13/2025 5/30/2025
Case Work Assistant 114 3/13/2025 5/30/2025
Office Receptionist 23 3/13/2025 5/30/2025

Community Service

Anyone doing community service hours will be assigned to one of these positions
Activity Shifts Start End
Janitorial Assistant CS 1
Thrift Store Volunteer CS - Clothing 1

Emergency Disaster Services

We need hard-working, compassionate, energetic volunteers who are willing to invest a small amount of their time to train and prepare for disaster response.

Activity Shifts Start End
Canteen Driver 0
Canteen Responder 1
Gypsy Day Parade 1

Feed The Kids

Activity Shifts Start End
Feed The Kids 48 6/2/2025 8/8/2025
Feed The Kids - Distribution 49 6/2/2025 8/8/2025
Feed The Kids - Driver 49 6/2/2025 8/8/2025


Meal-Share is The Salvation Army's noon feeding program where we "share a meal" with the community.

Lunch is served Monday - Friday from noon until 12:30. There is no charge for this meal.

Activity Shifts Start End
Kitchen Helper 57 3/13/2025 5/30/2025
Prep Cook 57 3/13/2025 5/30/2025
Serving / Cleanup 57 3/13/2025 5/30/2025

The Food Warehouse

Need knows no season at The Salvation Army. . .
The Food Warehouse is busy all year long meeting needs in the Aberdeen area.

Activity Shifts Start End
Big Box Donation Pick up Driver 57 3/13/2025 5/30/2025
Bread Donation Transporter 69 3/13/2025 5/31/2025
Food Warehouse Worker 1
Food Warehouse Worker - Scheduled 206 3/13/2025 5/30/2025
Mobile Food Pantry Volunteer 3 3/18/2025 4/15/2025
Team - Feed Brown County and Beyond 34 3/13/2025 5/29/2025

The Salvation Army Thrift Store

Watch your donations of time, talent and treasure transform into HELP!
All profits from our Thrift Store are channeled back into our ministry to the Aberdeen area.

Monday - Saturday from 10 am - 5 pm.
Volunteers needed from 9 am to 5 pm Monday - Saturday

Activity Shifts Start End
Thrift Store Volunteer 276 3/13/2025 5/31/2025

Mission Statement

The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and meet human needs in His name without discrimination.