Conservation & Land Stewardship


Cincinnati Parks depends on the support of volunteers in our efforts to combat the impact of invasive plant species throughout our parks system. Cincinnati Parks makes up 10% of the city's land mass, including thousands of acres of forest and woodland areas. Stewarding this land effectively is a massive undertaking, one in which our volunteers play a valuable role. 

Volunteers are organized by staff and community leaders. This structured program offers a wide range of opportunities for volunteers to engage in our habitat restoration efforts and the preservation of our natural areas. Volunteers work alongside staff and other volunteers on service projects beginning at an introductory level and can work towards becoming a Trained Service Person, Volunteer Group Leader, or Volunteer Site Leader. These roles allow our volunteers to become an integral part of implementing the long-term land management plans at many of our Cincinnati Parks nature preserves. 

The roles and requirements of this program are outlined below:

Introductory Volunteer:

  • One - time or occasional service event volunteer

CPB Trained Service Person:

  • Minimum of 10 hours logged at a supervised Cincinnati Parks conservation site (all sites are listed in this section of the portal)
  • Complete the online Pesticide Application Training  
  • Successfully pass a TSP Qualifier event 
  • Submit the Cincinnati Parks TSP Indemnification Policy
  • Volunteers must be 18 or older

Volunteer Group Leader:

  • Must be a CPB Trained Service Person
  • Identified by the Volunteer Site Leader 

Volunteer Site Leader:

  • Must be a CPB Trained Service Person
  • Must be a Volunteer Group Leader
  • Appointed by the Conservation and Land Management (CLM) team
  • Continues to attend trainings held by CLM in order to stay abreast of what is happening at our conservation sites 
  • Serves as the primary point of contact between the Parks CLM team and a Cincinnati Parks Advisory Council (CPAC) 

To get started on the pesticide application program - follow this link to the virtual training:

The Pesticide Application Program is made possible by the generous contribution of our friends at the Cincinnati Parks Foundation.  

Activity Shifts Start End
Alms Park Allies - Community Work Days 11 3/29/2025 12/6/2025
Ault Park Invasive Removal - Sponsored by APAC 4 4/5/2025 11/15/2025
Caldwell Nature Preserve Habitat Restoration 1 4/12/2025 4/12/2025
California Woods Habitat Restoration Series 4 4/5/2025 6/7/2025
Friends of French Park Habitat Restoration 6 4/5/2025 5/21/2025
Invasive Removal/Forest Restoration - Independent & Group Service Report 1
LaBoiteaux Woods Community Work Days 9 4/19/2025 12/6/2025
Mt. Airy Tree Shepherds 5 4/20/2025 10/19/2025
Mt. Airy West Conservation Work Days 22 4/13/2025 5/24/2026
Northside Greenspace - Forest Restoration Projects 9 4/5/2025 11/22/2025
Pleasant Ridge/Kennedy Heights Community Nature Advocates 7 4/23/2025 10/22/2025
Preserve Scarborough Woods 3 4/12/2025 6/21/2025
Stanbery Park Habitat Restoration 1 4/12/2025 4/12/2025
TSP Qualifier Events 1 4/5/2025 6/7/2025
Volunteer Group Leader Training 1 5/18/2025 5/18/2025