Scotland's Charity Air Ambulance

Volunteer For SCAA

Help us Save Lives in Scotland

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with SCAA.  Please read below for details of our current volunteer roles across Scotland.


How to Apply

  • Fill in an application form.
  • We aim to respond within 5-7 working days to arrange an informal chat about the role.
  • If you have any queries contact Becca at
  • Alternatively call us on 0300 123 1111 and request a paper application form.



Equality Diversity and Inclusion

SCAA is committed to a diverse and inclusive environment. We welcome people from all backgrounds and abilities to discuss any queries or support needs they may have to enable them to have a positive volunteering experience.

Having a criminal record will not automatically be a bar to volunteering with SCAA. All disclosed information will be assessed on a case by case basis and an appropriate decision taken and communicated.

Depending on the role undertaken at SCAA you may be subject to a basic disclosure, PVG check, or motor licence check. This will be at no expense to the applicant and we will communicate in advance.

I would like to volunteer

Fill in an application

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Volunteer Roles Currently Available

Speaker Volunteer

  • Location Scotland Wide
  • Time Flexible role, 1-3 hours including travel
  • Other Ability to travel within the area. Car owners may find this easier.


Volunteer Speakers attend pre-arranged Talks with local groups in their area. Speakers provide valuable insight into our life-saving work as well as highlighting emotional patient stories.

If you are friendly, engaging, and comfortable speaking to an audience we would like to hear from you. No formal experience is necessary, we provide training and kit needed.


Role Summary

  • Sign up to one of our pre-arranged talks.
  • Contact the organisation to introduce yourself and confirm closer to the date.
  • Provide an engaging and informative talk utilising SCAA kit to a local group, answering questions and helping raise awareness of SCAA and its work in the community.
  • Highlight the various ways to support SCAA through fundraising, volunteering, and social media.
  • Follow SCAA banking procedure when you receive donations.
  • Occasionally work with another Volunteer or Staff Member and provide feedback to Community Fundraiser.


Skills and Experience

  • Experience of public speaking is helpful, but not vital as we provide support and training to develop your skills and confidence.
  • Passionate about raising the profile of SCAA across Scotland.
  • Friendly and engaging manner to speak with a diverse range of groups.
  • Comfortable with IT including email - we provide training on the PowerPoint and kit used.


Training and Support

  • Welcome induction about SCAA and our history.
  • Specialised SCAA Volunteer Speaker training.
  • Named contact with Community Fundraising Staff for support and queries.
  • Regular updates and training.



  • Feel-good factor supporting SCAA and becoming one of our vital team members.
  • Develop new and existing skills.
  • Boost your confidence.
  • Volunteer updates and SCAA news.
  • Meet other SCAA volunteers.
  • Join our private volunteers Facebook group – to celebrate all things SCAA and chat with your team.
  • Volunteer celebration events eg Tea Party at the Hangar.
  • Claim reasonable travel expenses. 

Collection Cans : Placing and Managing

  • Location Scotland Wide
  • Time Flexible role, 2-3 hours every 8-12 weeks
  • Other Ability to travel within area


Minimum Age 18+

We are welcoming new collection can volunteers to help us manage our pre-existing locations and find new ones.

We have hundreds of cans in cities, rural areas and the islands. Volunteers select the areas they'd like to support us in.

While the role is flexible, we ask that you can access a local bank.

We offer initial training and ongoing support. Many bank branch locations have coin counters which make it simple, a few rural locations may require the cans counted. Good numeracy skills are needed in that case.


Role Summary

  • Speak with local shops and businesses about the life-saving work SCAA provides and place a new can if they are happy.
  • Keep SCAA updated on the locations of cans.
  • Monitor your area of cans. Some are busier than others.
  • Uplift full cans and providing clean, empty cans.
  • Count and bank locally.
  • Contact the office with details of the funds, they will send a thank you to the business.


Skills and Experience

  • Friendly and happy to talk with a diverse range of people.
  • Enjoy being organised and keeping records.
  • Comfortable with cash handling, IT and banking admin.
  • Physically able to lift heavy collections.
  • Willing to represent SCAA in the community and develop local relationships.


Training and Support

  • Welcome induction about SCAA and our history.
  • Specialised SCAA Collection Can training.
  • Named contact with Community Fundraising Staff for support and queries.
  • Regular updates and training.



  • Feel-good factor supporting SCAA and becoming one of our vital team members.
  • Develop new and existing skills.
  • Boost your confidence.
  • Volunteer updates and SCAA news.
  • Meet other SCAA volunteers.
  • Join our private volunteers Facebook group – to celebrate all things SCAA and chat with your team.
  • Volunteer celebration events.
  • Claim reasonable travel expenses.


Supermarket / Bucket Collection Volunteer

  • Location Scotland Wide
  • Time Flexible role, 2-3+ hours
  • Other Ability to travel within the area
  • One-off volunteering available


Our fundraising volunteers play a vital role in raising awareness and funds for SCAA across Scotland. Our Volunteers attend both small and large events in the community. Everyone loves to interact with us at events, often stopping for a friendly chat.


Role Summary

  • Sign up to available events that suit you.
  • Teamwork focused, opportunity to socialise.
  • Set up any tables, usually indoors.
  • Run an info and/or merchandise stand.
  • Bag packs, wrapping stations etc.
  • Bucket collections at small/large events. This may be outside.
  • Engage and answer questions people may ask, hear both personal and SCAA related stories.
  • Raise awareness of SCAA utilising info leaflets eg lottery, fundraising, donations and volunteering.


Skills and Experience

  • Positive manner.
  • Happy to talk with a diverse group of people.
  • Comfortable with cash handling and contactless donation methods.
  • Comfortable standing for longer periods of time, chairs and breaks available whenever needed.
  • Events may require a reasonable level of physical activity.


Training and Support

  • Welcome induction about SCAA and our history.
  • Specialised Event Volunteer training inc contactless donation training.
  • Named contact with Community Fundraising Staff for support and queries.
  • Regular updates and training.



  • Feel-good factor supporting SCAA and becoming one of our vital team members.
  • Develop new and existing skills.
  • Boost your confidence.
  • Volunteer updates and SCAA news.
  • Meet other SCAA volunteers.
  • Join our private volunteers Facebook group – to celebrate all things SCAA and chat with your team.
  • Volunteer celebration events e.g. Tea Party at the Hangar.
  • Claim reasonable travel expenses

Mascot / Minder

  • Location Mainland Scotland
  • Time Flexible role, 2-3 hours per event
  • Other Ability to travel within the area
  • One-off volunteering available


Our mascot volunteers play a vital role in raising awareness and funds for SCAA across Scotland. Volunteer mascots and minders attend events and activities as Nevis or Whirly . People love to interact with our mascots and their minders so you would be the star of the event having photos taken. As a mascot no one will know who you are, so you can show off a jazzy dance whilst under the careful guidance of your minder.



Role Summary

  • Mascots become either our Teddy Paramedic or Helicopter Mascots.
  • Minders speak on behalf of Mascots and keep them safe as vision is restricted.
  • Mascots engage with the public by being energetic, waving, a jazzy dance move, posing for photos.
  • Mascots are timed to 15min appearances so to ensure regular breaks.
  • Raising awareness of SCAA utilising info leaflets e.g. lottery, fundraising, donations and volunteering.
  • Answering questions people may have about SCAA and the life-saving work we do.


Skills and Experience

  • Positive manner.
  • Happy to talk/dance with a diverse group of people.
  • Comfortable with cash handling and contactless donation methods.
  • Comfortable standing for longer periods of time, chairs and breaks available whenever needed.
  • Events may require a reasonable level of physical activity.


Training and Support

  • Welcome induction about SCAA and our history.
  • Specialised Mascot/Minder training.
  • Named contact with Community Fundraising Staff for support and queries.
  • Regular updates and training.



  • Feel-good factor supporting SCAA and becoming one of our vital team members.
  • Develop new and existing skills.
  • Boost your confidence.
  • Volunteer updates and SCAA news.
  • Meet other SCAA volunteers.
  • Join our private volunteers Facebook group – to celebrate all things SCAA and chat with your team.
  • Volunteer celebration events eg Tea Party at the Hangar.
  • Claim reasonable travel expenses.

Cheque Presentation Volunteer

  • Location Scotland Wide
  • Time  Flexible role, 30 mins - 1 hour plus travel time
  • Other Ability to travel within the area. Car owners may find this easier.


Cheque Presenters provide a vital ‘thank you’ to our amazing supporters who have gone out of their way to raise funds to help us continue our life-saving work.


Role Summary

  • SCAA staff provide details of the cheque presentation or thank you.
  • Travel to fundraisers location at an agreed time, often with the giant cheque.
  • Meet with the fundraisers and have a chat, hear about their efforts, and pass on the latest information from SCAA.
  • Congratulate and sometimes a small, informal speech, 5-10 minutes of thanks.
  • Smile for the camera. This is a vital part of the role; photos are often added to social media. We advise groups to provide their own photographer.
  • Receive funds or a cheque and follow SCAA banking procedure.
  • Final thank you to the group and ask them to email us photos if they wish. 


Skills and Experience

  • Punctual and organised.
  • Positive manner.
  • Happy to talk with a diverse group of people.
  • Comfortable with cash or cheque handling.
  • No experience of public speaking necessary.


Training and Support

  • Welcome induction about SCAA and our history.
  • Specialised SCAA Cheque Presenter training.
  • Named contact with Community Fundraising Staff for support and queries.
  • Regular updates and training.



  • Feel-good factor supporting SCAA and becoming one of our vital team members.
  • Develop new and existing skills.
  • Boost your confidence.
  • Volunteer updates and SCAA news.
  • Meet other SCAA volunteers.
  • Join our private volunteers Facebook group – to celebrate all things SCAA and chat with your team.
  • Volunteer celebration events eg Tea Party at the Hangar.
  • Claim reasonable travel expenses

Event Volunteer

  • Location Scotland Wide
  • Time  Flexible role, 2-3 hours
  • Other Ability to travel within the area
  • One-off volunteering available

Peak Events Season : March-Sept and pre Christmas Events. Outside of peak season we will be much quieter.

Our event volunteers play a vital role in raising awareness and funds for SCAA across Scotland. We attend both small and large events in the community. Everyone loves to interact with us at events, often taking photos or having a friendly chat.


Role Summary

  • Sign up to available events that suit you.
  • Events vary but typically focused on teamwork and fundraising.
  • Set up and dismantle the stalls/gazebo.
  • Run an info, merchandise and activities stall.
  • Engage and answer questions people may ask, hearing both personal and SCAA related stories.
  • Raise awareness of SCAA utilising info leaflets eg lottery, fundraising, donations and volunteering.


Skills and Experience

  • Positive manner.
  • Happy to talk with a diverse group of people.
  • Comfortable with cash handling and contactless donation methods.
  • Comfortable standing for longer periods of time, chairs and breaks available whenever needed.
  • Events may require a reasonable level of physical activity.


Training and Support

  • Welcome induction about SCAA and our history.
  • Specialised Event Volunteer training.
  • Named contact with Community Fundraising Staff for support and queries.
  • Regular updates and training.



  • Feel-good factor supporting SCAA and becoming one of our vital team members.
  • Develop new and existing skills.
  • Boost your confidence.
  • Volunteer updates and SCAA news.
  • Meet other SCAA volunteers.
  • Join our private volunteers Facebook group – to celebrate all things SCAA and chat with your team.
  • Volunteer celebration events e.g. Tea Party at the Hangar.
  • Claim reasonable travel expenses