As a Catholic organization, we faithfully continue the healing Mission of Jesus, and respond to the needs of the whole person-body mind and spirit.
~ To be leaders in continuing care, long-term care and rehabilitative care ~
We have identified four core values that guide our behaviour, our work ethic and our decision making. Our acronym S.I.D.E., which identifies these four core values as Service, Integrity, Dignity and Excellence. We expect all registered organizational volunteers to collectively “be on our S.I.D.E.” as we generously share our gifts of time to support in service, our elderly frail long term care residents and complex, geriatric rehabilitation patients in continuing care.
We respond to the needs of the whole person - in body, mind and spirit.
We foster an environment characterized by hospitality, trust and a spirit of community.
We design our organizational systems to ensure that they meet the needs of those we serve.
We will use our resources to responsibly serve the health needs of society.
We are energized by an atmosphere of caring, mutual respect and compassion to find better ways of serving.
We function ethically, with honesty, fairness, truth and in confidentiality.
We recognize that individual, institutional and societal interests are often in tension. We strive to discern how the good of the whole can best be served through collaboration.
We develop a work environment that promotes respect, free exchange of ideas, dedication, accountability, innovation and teamwork.
We work together in a spirit of mutual support as we carry out our mission of caring.
We believe that all creation should be held in reverence and that life is sacred in all its moments.
We demonstrate a caring manner and respect the goodness of all.
We respect the inherent dignity and worth of every individual.
We communicate openly with each other and provide honest feedback.
We speak for the needs of the weakest and most vulnerable in our community.
We pursue excellence in the caring of the whole person.
We work together to optimize our resources and to provide a safe environment.
We measure and strive to continually improve quality in everything we do.
We expect accountability for excellence in performance and adherence to professional and organizational standards.