Role Description
Purpose of the role
To lead the kitchen team to prepare, cook and serve three course, vegetarian nutritious lunches; ensure kitchen is kept clean and any environmental health requirements are met (e.g., recording freezer temperatures; recording ingredients used etc) and food hygiene standards are maintained at all times. Also, to liaise with FOH Lead to ensure smooth running of service.
Key Responsibilities
To look at donations received from supermarkets and decide on the menu.
Allocate tasks to the kitchen team.
Make sure everything is prepared for the time required and keep FOH Lead informed.
Meet any participants’ dietary requirements.
Make up takeaway meals as requested, and record number provided.
Ensure kitchen surfaces are wiped down, dishes put away and bins are emptied.
Fill in Daily Kitchen Sheet ensuring ALL fridge and freezer temperatures are recorded.
All cleaning must be done as per Ness Bank Kitchen Rules.
Skills and Qualities
All Lead Cooks must have completed Food Hygiene training; Inverness Foodstuff can provide food Hygiene online courses if required. Being interested in cooking, particularly vegetarian cooking/food/nutrition; being able to work individually and as part of a team; give direction and being organised and working to a deadline are desirable qualities we look for in Lead Cooks. Being reliable and trustworthy are essential qualities we look for in all our volunteers.
Days of Operations; Shift Times and Time Commitment
Our opening days are Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 1pm to 3pm. Kitchen shift starts at 10am and finishes about 3.30pm (includes clearing up time).
Some volunteers do a shift every week on specific days; others may do two to three per month as and when they can. At a very minimum, we would be looking for volunteers to commit to a least one shift per month.
We run our drop-in-café from Ness Bank Church, 1 Ness Bank, Inverness IV2 4SA.
Role Description
Purpose of the role
To prepare, cook and serve nutritious meals; ensure kitchen is kept clean and food hygiene standards are maintained at all times.
Key Responsibilities
Prepare one course, or part of, with guidance from the Catering & Training Supervisor or Lead Cook.
Prepare vegetables etc. for next service day if required
Once Café is open, plate up each course as needed.
Make up takeaway meals as requested and ensure recorded.
Rinse dishes then put through dishwasher.
Wipe down surfaces, tidy away dishes, and empty bins.
All cleaning must be done as per Ness Bank Kitchen Rules.
Skills and Qualities
No formal qualifications are required for this role, but we actively encourage volunteers to do our online Food & Hygiene training which we can organise for you. Being interested in cooking/food/nutrition; being able to work individually and as part of a team as well as being able to work to a deadline are desirable qualities we look for in Cooks. Being reliable and trustworthy are essential qualities we look for in all our volunteers.
Days of Operations; Shift Times and Time Commitment
Our opening days are Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 12pm to 3pm. Kitchen shift starts at 10am and finishes about 3.30pm (includes clearing up time).
Some volunteers do a shift every week on specific days; others may do two to three per month as and when they can. At a very minimum, we would be looking for volunteers to commit to a least one shift per month.
We run our drop-in-café from Ness Bank Church, 1 Ness Bank, Inverness IV2 4SA.
Role Description
Purpose of the role
To serve meals and tea/coffee to participants, clear plates etc. from tables; clean tables; chat with participants and ensure every participant receives a warm welcome.
Key Responsibilities
Serving participants three courses as well as tea, coffee and juice (the Front of House Lead volunteer will instruct you when to serve; which tables etc and advise you of anything you need to be aware of before service starts at 1pm).
Clearing dishes from the tables, returning them to the kitchen hatch and keeping tables clean. Also ensuring the tea and coffee station is kept clean.
Ensuring any participant who walks through the door gets a warm welcome.
Taking the time to chat to participants, or to play a game (once all three courses have been served and the rush is over!).
Helping on the ‘stall’ making sure any surplus is shared among everyone; and trays are cleaned once emptied.
At 3pm (and not before this time; we are a drop-in-café so participants can come in anytime; plus clearing the café before out finish time makes participants feel they are being rushed out) helping to clean everything and completely clear the hall.
Skills and Qualities
No formal qualifications are required for this role, but having an interest in people; listening skills, being friendly, empathetic and non-judgemental and being able to communicate with a wide range of people is desirable. Being reliable and trustworthy are essential qualities we look for in all our volunteers.
Days of Operations; Shift Times and Time Commitment
Our opening days are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 1pm to 3pm. FOH shift starts at 12.30pm (allowing FOH volunteers to sit and have a plate of soup together and for the FOH Leader to brief the team before opening) and finishes about 3.30pm (includes clearing up time).
Some volunteers do a shift every week on specific days; others may do two to three per month as and when they can. At a very minimum, we would be looking for volunteers to commit to a least one shift per month.
We run our drop-in-café from Ness Bank Church, 1 Ness Bank, Inverness IV2 4SA.
Role Description
Purpose of the role
To liaise with the kitchen (Catering and Training Supervisor/Lead Cook) and to lead and support the FOH (Front of House) team and allocate tasks to ensure smooth running of the service for our participants.
Key Responsibilities
Make sure the hall is set up properly for start of service including the stall.
Liaise with Lead Cook over which food donations/surplus are to be kept and which to go on the stall.
Know which organisations are coming in that day i.e., C.A.B, Barber etc.
Write the menu and services available on the whiteboard for the door.
Offer the volunteers a bowl of soup before start of service. Soup to be eaten in room 4 if participants are in.
Allocate tasks to the FOH team to make sure everyone knows what they are doing and that all areas are covered.
Make sure all FOH team have their name badge and apron on and those on the stall are wearing gloves.
Check with kitchen when they are ready to start serving meals.
Ensure all participants receive a warm welcome and are seated and served.
Assess and monitor any concerning behaviour, drugs/intoxication if any and bring to the attention of the Operations Manager.
Ensure that the toilets are checked every 30 minutes for flushing, cleaning, spillage, toilet paper, soap, people taken ill etc.
At 3pm (and not before this time; we are a drop-in-café so participants can come in anytime; plus clearing the café before our finish time makes participants feel they are being rushed out) coordinate to clean everything and completely clear the hall.
Skills and Qualities
No formal qualifications are required for this role, but being organised, having an interest in people; listening skills, being friendly, empathetic, and non-judgemental and being able to communicate with a wide range of people is desirable. Being reliable and trustworthy are essential qualities we look for in all our volunteers.
Days of Operations; Shift Times and Time Commitment
Our opening days are Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 12pm to 3pm. FOH Lead shift starts at 12pm and finishes about 3.30pm (includes clearing up time).
Some volunteers do a shift every week on specific days; others may do two to three per month as and when they can. At a very minimum, we would be looking for volunteers to commit to a least one shift per month.
We run our drop-in-café from Ness Bank Church, 1 Ness Bank, Inverness IV2 4SF.
Role Description
Purpose of the role
To set up the café ensuring it is ready for participants coming in; the stall is laid out and any equipment required for visiting services/organisations is set up.
Key Responsibilities
Laying out tables and chairs and covering tables with tablecloths.
Setting each place setting with forks, knives; dessert (check with kitchen if needed) and soup spoons; side plates and napkins. Each table should also have salt and pepper and hand sanitiser.
Laying out the tables and trays for the stall at the side of the hall and displaying surplus food in the trays.
Setting up the tea, coffee, and juice station.
Setting up tables, chairs etc. for any visiting services in the hall and room 2/1.
Skills and Qualities
No formal qualifications are required for this role, but as there is a fair amount of lifting involved, you need to be physically fit to carry out this role. Being reliable and trustworthy are essential qualities we look for in all our volunteers.
Days of Operations; Shift Times and Time Commitment
Our opening days are Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 12pm to 3pm. FOH Set Up is between 10am and 11.30am on these days.
Some volunteers do a shift every week on specific days; others may do two to three per month as and when they can. At a very minimum, we would be looking for volunteers to commit to a least one shift per month.
We run our drop-in-café from Ness Bank Church, 1 Ness Bank, Inverness IV2 4SF.
Purpose of the role
To sort, store and display donations of second-hand clothing and shoes and provide participants with items as required
Key Responsibilities
Sort clothing and shoe donations determining what to store; what to display; what we do not need (can be donated to Blythswood charity bin) and what needs to be disposed of (e.g., dirty, soiled, torn items etc.).
Clearly mark any clothing stored (e.g., men’s socks; women’s size 10 etc.) ensuring easy to find.
Keep items stored, tidy and in allocated space
Ensure only clothing and shoes stored, any other donations e.g., bedding; curtains etc. should be put out for participants in the café as soon as they are received.
Displaying clothes on the clothes stand/table on café days when there are items to display.
Skills and Qualities
No formal qualifications are required for this role but having an interest in clothes; an interest in people; being organised; friendly, empathetic, and non-judgmental and being able to communicate with a wide range of people is desirable. Being reliable and trustworthy are essential qualities we look for in all our volunteers.
Days of Operations; Shift Times and Time Commitment
Our opening days are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 12pm to 3pm. Volunteers in the clothing team can sort clothing in the mornings of our opening days e.g., 10am to 12pm and get any clothing/shoes ready for display before the café opens at 12pm; they can also help once the café is open.
Some volunteers do a shift every week on specific days; others may do two to three per month as and when they can. At a very minimum, we would be looking for volunteers to commit to a least one shift per month.
We run our drop-in-café from Ness Bank Church, 1 Ness Bank, Inverness IV2 4SA.
Role Description
Purpose of the role
To pick up surplus food from supermarkets in the allocated time slot, store accordingly and deliver to Ness Bank Church at appropriate time.
Key Responsibilities
Being available at the allocated time of pick up (for some pickups you need to wait until you have been advised whether there is surplus to pick up or not).
Driving to the store in the allocated time slot; picking up any surplus provided; storing the food accordingly (e.g., we provide cool boxes for chilled goods) and delivering to Ness Bank Church at the agreed time.
Skills and Qualities
No formal qualifications are required for this role, but as there will be some lifting involved, you need to be physically fit. You also need to have a full driving licence and own your own vehicle. Being reliable and trustworthy are essential qualities we look for in all our volunteers.
Days of Operations; Shift Times and Time Commitment
This is dependent on the supermarket you are picking up from. We pick up from stores every day expect Sunday. Also, some of our pickups are in the evening. On the days we are not open, pick-up drivers will be provided with a key to the church enabling them to drop of the surplus food as soon as possible after picking up and store any chilled food in our fridges.
Volunteers who do pickups normally do a regular weekly pickup and delivery (which is ideal as the store you are picking up from get to know you).
We run our drop-in-café from Ness Bank Church, 1 Ness Bank, Inverness IV2 4SF so this where surplus food is delivered too. We pick up from the following supermarkets: Tesco Extra, Eastfield Retail Park; Tesco King Street; Tesco Inshes; Marks and Spencer, Church Street; Aldi Inshes; Coop Telford Street; Coop Church Street; Coop Monarch View; Lidl and Bookers. We also have a collection of our laundry from Inverclean launderette, Young Street, on a Saturday morning along with the pick-up from Tesco King Street.
Purpose of the role
To lead the kitchen team to prepare, cook and serve two course, nutritious lunches; ensure kitchen is kept clean and any environmental health requirements are met (e.g., recording freezer temperatures; recording ingredients used etc) and food hygiene standards are maintained at all times. Also, to liaise with FOH Lead to ensure smooth running of service.
Key Responsibilities
To decide the menu and let Catering & Training Supervisor or Operations Manager know the ingredients required.
Allocate tasks to the kitchen team.
Make sure everything is prepared for the time required and keep FOH Lead informed.
Meet any participants’ dietary requirements.
Make up takeaway meals as requested, and record number provided.
Ensure kitchen surfaces are wiped down, dishes put away and bins are emptied.
Fill in Daily Kitchen Sheet ensuring ALL fridge and freezer temperatures are recorded.
All cleaning must be done as per Hilton Kitchen Rules.
Skills and Qualities
All Lead Cooks must have completed Food Hygiene training; Inverness Foodstuff can provide food Hygiene online courses if required. Being interested in cooking, particularly food/nutrition; being able to work individually and as part of a team; give direction and being organised and working to a deadline are desirable qualities we look for in Lead Cooks. Being reliable and trustworthy are essential qualities we look for in all our volunteers.
Days of Operations; Shift Times and Time Commitment
Our opening days are Wednesday and Friday, 12pm to 2pm. Kitchen shift starts at 9.30am and finishes about 2.30pm (includes clearing up time).
Some volunteers do a shift every week on specific days; others may do two to three per month as and when they can. At a very minimum, we would be looking for volunteers to commit to a least one shift per month.
We run our drop-in-café from Hilton Community Centre, Hilton Village, Oldtown Road, Inverness, IV2 4HT.
Purpose of the role
To prepare, cook and serve nutritious meals; ensure kitchen is kept clean and food hygiene standards are maintained at all times.
Key Responsibilities
Prepare one course, or part of, with guidance from the Catering & Training Supervisor or Lead Cook.
Prepare vegetables etc. for next service day if required
Once Café is open, plate up each course as needed.
Make up takeaway meals as requested and ensure recorded.
Rinse dishes then put through dishwasher.
Wipe down surfaces, tidy away dishes, and empty bins.
All cleaning must be done as per the Kitchen Rules.
Skills and Qualities
No formal qualifications are required for this role, but we actively encourage volunteers to do our online Food & Hygiene training which we can organise for you. Being interested in cooking/food/nutrition; being able to work individually and as part of a team as well as being able to work to a deadline are desirable qualities we look for in Cooks. Being reliable and trustworthy are essential qualities we look for in all our volunteers.
Days of Operations; Shift Times and Time Commitment
Our opening days are Wednesday and Friday, 12pm to 2pm. Kitchen shift starts at 9.30am and finishes about 2.30pm (includes clearing up time).
Some volunteers do a shift every week on specific days; others may do two to three per month as and when they can. At a very minimum, we would be looking for volunteers to commit to a least one shift per month.
We run our drop-in-café from Hilton Community Centre, Hilton Village, Oldtown Road, Inverness, IV2 4HT.
Purpose of the role
To liaise with the kitchen (Catering and Training Supervisor/Lead Cook) and to lead and support the FOH (Front of House) team and allocate tasks to ensure smooth running of the service for our participants.
Key Responsibilities
Make sure the cafe is set up properly for start of service.
Know which organisations are coming in that day i.e., C.A.B, Barber etc.
Ensure the volunteers are offered a bowl of soup when it is quiet.
Allocate tasks to the FOH team to make sure everyone knows what they are doing and that all areas are covered.
Make sure all FOH team have their name badge and apron on. Volunteers can wear gloves if they wish.
Check with kitchen when they are ready to start serving meals.
Ensure all participants receive a warm welcome and are seated and served.
Assess and monitor any concerning behaviour, drugs/intoxication if any and bring to the attention of the Operations Manager.
At 2pm (and not before this time; we are a drop-in-café so participants can come in anytime; plus clearing the café before our finish time makes participants feel they are being rushed out) coordinate to clean everything.
Skills and Qualities
No formal qualifications are required for this role, but being organised, having an interest in people; listening skills, being friendly, empathetic, and non-judgemental and being able to communicate with a wide range of people is desirable. Being reliable and trustworthy are essential qualities we look for in all our volunteers.
Days of Operations; Shift Times and Time Commitment
Our opening days are Wednesday and Friday, 12pm to 2pm. FOH Lead shift starts at 11am and finishes about 2.30pm (includes clearing up time).
Some volunteers do a shift every week on specific days; others may do two to three per month as and when they can. At a very minimum, we would be looking for volunteers to commit to a least one shift per month.
We run our drop-in-café from Hilton Community Centre, Hilton Village, Oldtown Road, Inverness, IV2 4HT.
Purpose of the role
To serve meals and tea/coffee to participants, clear plates etc. from tables; clean tables; chat with participants and ensure every participant receives a warm welcome.
Key Responsibilities
Serving participants two courses as well as tea, coffee, and juice (the Front of House Lead volunteer will instruct you when to serve; which tables etc. and advise you of anything you need to be aware of before lunch is served at 12pm).
Clearing dishes from the tables, returning them to the kitchen hatch and keeping tables clean. Also ensuring the tea and coffee station is kept clean.
Ensuring any participant who walks through the door receives a warm welcome.
Taking the time to chat to participants, or to play a game (once all two courses have been served and the rush is over!).
At 2pm (and not before this time; we are a drop-in-café so participants can come in anytime; plus clearing the café before out finish time makes participants feel they are being rushed out) helping to clean everything.
Skills and Qualities
No formal qualifications are required for this role, but having an interest in people; listening skills, being friendly, empathetic, and non-judgemental and being able to communicate with a wide range of people is desirable. Being reliable and trustworthy are essential qualities we look for in all our volunteers.
Days of Operations; Shift Times and Time Commitment
Our opening days are Wednesday and Friday, 12pm to 2pm. FOH shift starts at 11am and finishes about 2.30pm (includes clearing up time).
Some volunteers do a shift every week on specific days; others may do two to three per month as and when they can. At a very minimum, we would be looking for volunteers to commit to a least one shift per month.
We run our drop-in-café from Hilton Community Centre, Hilton Village, Oldtown Road, Inverness, IV2 4HT.
Our mission is to support the homeless and vulnerable and tackle social isolation, challenge food poverty and combat food waste, reduce harm and enable people to improve their health and well-being.