Front of House - Ness Bank (12:30 - 3.30pm)

Role Description 

Purpose of the role 

To serve meals and tea/coffee to participants, clear plates etc. from tables; clean tables; chat with participants and ensure every participant receives a warm welcome 


Key Responsibilities 

  • Serving participants three courses as well as tea, coffee and juice (the Front of House Lead volunteer will instruct you when to serve; which tables etc and advise you of anything you need to be aware of before service starts at 1pm). 

  • Clearing dishes from the tables, returning them to the kitchen hatch and keeping tables clean. Also ensuring the tea and coffee station is kept clean.  

  • Ensuring any participant who walks through the door gets a warm welcome. 

  • Taking the time to chat to participants, or to play a game (once all three courses have been served and the rush is over!). 

  • Helping on the ‘stall’ making sure any surplus is shared among everyone; and trays are cleaned once emptied. 

  • At 3pm (and not before this time; we are a drop-in-café so participants can come in anytime; plus clearing the café before out finish time makes participants feel they are being rushed out) helping to clean everything and completely clear the hall.  



Skills and Qualities 

No formal qualifications are required for this role, but having an interest in people; listening skills, being friendly, empathetic and non-judgemental and being able to communicate with a wide range of people is desirable.  Being reliable and trustworthy are essential qualities we look for in all our volunteers.  


Days of Operations; Shift Times and Time Commitment  

Our opening days are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 1pm to 3pm. FOH shift starts at 12.30pm (allowing FOH volunteers to sit and have a plate of soup together and for the FOH Leader to brief the team before opening) and finishes about 3.30pm (includes clearing up time). 


Some volunteers do a shift every week on specific days; others may do two to three per month as and when they can. At a very minimum, we would be looking for volunteers to commit to a least one shift per month. 



We run our drop-in-café from Ness Bank Church, 1 Ness Bank, Inverness IV2 4SA.