The Salvation Army - Central Indiana Area Command

Hello, and thank you for your interest in volunteering with The Salvation Army!
The Salvation Army is committed to the safety of all of our volunteers, staff, and participants throughout the state of Indiana including right here in Central Indiana.  Your health and safety are very important to us, and we continue taking precautions to keep our volunteers safe when they are on site at our facilities.
Please reach out to Kathy Dalla Costa at to discuss potential volunteer opportunities at any of our local corps/community centers as well as upcoming events/project. We welcome individuals and groups to come volunteer alongside us, and we look forward to working with you!
Thank you for your willingness to give of your time and talents with The Salvation Army!

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General Interests

Angel Tree Program

Every Christmas there are children lacking life’s vital needs because their families are struggling financially and cannot afford the expense.  As you can imagine, it takes hundreds of volunteer hours to make Angel Tree happen each year.  This year we plan to host two Angel Tree components: one is Angel Tree Toy Shop for families to shop for gifts for their children, and the other is Angel Tree bag distribution for families to pick up a variety of pre-selected gifts for their children. 

Please consider joining us in one or more of the following roles: organize a toy drive, accept gifts being dropped off at one of our locations, help families complete their applications for assistance, inventory and organize gifts during sorting days, help families select gifts when they come to shop on distribution day, and help find bags of gifts and take them to family vehicles. 

We also have donation opportunities available to host a toy drive and/or sponsor a child with gift drop off available at one of our locations (main office in Castleton, Fountain Square and Eagle Creek) with dates to be determined between November and December.  

We welcome both individual volunteers and groups of volunteers to help us ensure a successful Angel Tree program.  Please contact Kathy with questions or for more information at 317-224-1010 or 

Activity Shifts Start End
Angel Tree 2025 0

Bell Ringing

Volunteers play a huge part in ringing the kettles at area businesses throughout the Indianapolis community!  Please visit for details and you may create an account and then sign up at a store on a date/time convenient for you.  Feel free to bell ring with your friends, family, coworkers, etc., and all money raised will stay in the community to help individuals and families. 

We are continuing with the virtual kettle program where we invite you to take up an online kettle and share the information with your friends and networks to collect donations this Christmas. You can adopt a virtual kettle with your work team, church group, or social club!

Activity Shifts Start End
Bell Ringing for 2025 1

Coats for Kids

The Salvation Army of Central Indiana and its partners, Classic Cleaners and WTHR News 13, collaborate annually with the community and volunteers like you to give coats and winter accessories to thousands of children in need throughout the Indianapolis area.  Volunteers spend countless hours sorting and organizing coats and winter accessories before the distribution date, and more than 150 volunteers are needed to provide their support on the event date.

Volunteer shifts will be posted this summer for the following positions:
***sorting/inventory days at a warehouse in Whitestown (September and October) 
***set up at Indiana State Fairgrounds from November 5-7
***distribution day at Indiana State Fairgrounds on November 8 

We also have donation opportunities available to host a coat drive and drop off coats (new and gently used children and adult sizes) at any Classic Cleaners location, purchase new coats and drop off at Classic Cleaners location, or make a financial donation on our website to support the purchase of coats.  

We welcome both individual volunteers and groups of volunteers to help us ensure a successful Coats for Kids campaign.  Please contact Kathy with questions or for more information at 317-224-1010 or 

Activity Shifts Start End
Coats for Kids - children's scarves (virtual project) 1
Coats for Kids - Coat Drive (virtual project) 1

General Opportunities

We have various volunteer opportunities available throughout the year located at our community centers, corps, EDS facility, and Central Indiana main office.  Please contact Kathy with questions or for more information at

Activity Shifts Start End
Volunteer Opportunities at Eagle Creek 0
Volunteer Opportunities at Fountain Square 0
Volunteer Opportunities at Harbor Light 0
Volunteer Opportunities at Johnson County 0
Volunteer Opportunities at Women and Children's Center 0

Special Events

We host various special events throughout the year where we need both individuals and groups of volunteers.  Our current list of events include a mattress/box spring project at our Eagle Creek Corps, collecting items (baby/youth/teen) to include in blessing bags which are provided to families and residents at our Harbor Light and Women and Children's Center, Golf for Kids fundraiser to raise money for summer camps, and Coats for Kids coat collection drives and Angel Tree toy collection drives.  Please contact Kathy with questions or for more information at

Activity Shifts Start End
2025 Golf 4 Kids Set Up and Event 3 5/6/2025 5/7/2025
Clays for a Cause Event 1

Mission Statement

International - The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.

Vision Statement
The Salvation Army, Indiana Division, is a recognized leader in serving the work of God through innovative statewide ministry and community programs dedicated to strengthening the body, mind and spirit of those in greatest need.

Diversity Statement
The Salvation Army affirms its full support, on all levels, to the Biblical imperative of human and civil rights, and seeks to promote intergroup understanding by practicing equal opportunity in all operations, delivery of services, community engagement, employment and decision-making, and by encouraging the inclusion of diverse members of our society.