Hope Alliance

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General Interests

Organize storage sheds

We always need help keeping our storage sheds organized!  Shelter residents "shop" for clothing in some storage sheds and staff use other sheds to store miscellaneous items.  Volunteers ensure that residents and staff can easily find what they need.


The shelter's yard often requires raking, pruning, trimming, and mowing depending on the time of year.  Help us keep it a fun area for kids to play and for adults to relax outside!

Office assistant

Have computer skills or don't mind stuffing envelopes? We need your help! There is always more work that needs to be done than hours in the day. As an administrative volunteer you help each department with tasks that need to be completed.

Kitchen deep clean

We need volunteers to thoroughly clean the communal kitchen at the shelter about once a month.  This task requires 2-4 volunteers.

Group volunteer project

Group volunteer projects are great for tackling big tasks!

Donation drive

Hope Alliance always needs supplies! For ideas, see the wish list on our website.  Please contact jasmine.presser@hopealliancetx.org to discuss our current needs before planning a donation drive.

Fundraising event committee

Assist with planning one of our annual fundraising events!

Community outreach

Staff a booth at a community event to answer questions from the public about Hope Alliance.

Work with survivors

Work with survivors of family violence and sexual assault by answering hotline calls, providing childcare, leading group activities at the shelter, or accompanying survivors to forensic exams or court appearances.  Volunteers must complete the 40-hour Sexual Assault Advocate Training to work with survivors.

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Activity Shifts Start End
Donation drive 1

Orientation and Advocate Training

Activity Shifts Start End
Receive updates about the next Advocate Training 2 1/1/2032 1/1/2032
Volunteer Orientation 9 4/9/2025 12/10/2025

Hope Alliance Mission Statement

Hope Alliance's mission is to assist those affected by family and sexual violence by providing safety and services, and developing partnerships that lead to hope, healing, and prevention.