Featured Roles - Prince Rupert, Acropolis Manor - Hairstylist Volunteer

Purpose of this assignment

Hairstylist Volunteers improve the physical and emotional wellbeing of clients by providing a much appreciated and practical service.

Volunteer Duties and Responsibilities

The role of a Hairstylist Volunteer may include any or all of the following:

  • Check in with key staff contact, or designate, at the start of shift.
  • Read any communication board / binders for safety information.
  • Observe any communication regarding updates on violence prevention, precautions (e.g., illness), or environmental hazards or risks.
  • Prepare the room (gather supplies, ensure equipment is suitable, arrange room etc.).
  • Assist clients to the room if required.
  • Wash and dry hair if approved by staff.
  • Provide a haircut/ trim to the client (ensure sharp objects are not within reach of clients).
  • Once the appointment is over, assist clients back to the area of their choice if required.
  • Clean up area and supplies used, sanitize equipment, and reset room.
  • At the end of shift, secure the room and sharp objects to prevent access by clients.


The benefits to volunteering are many! Meeting new people, making a difference in the lives of others, gaining practical work experience, and fulfilling university or college requirements are just some examples. This is a rewarding position as it provides a practical and much needed service which is a highlight for clients.

Skills and abilities

  • Must be trained/certified as a hairstylist/barber (must provide a copy of Journeyperson certification or historical certificate – expired certificates are acceptable)
  • Good listening skills
  • A calm and friendly demeanor
  • The ability to engage with clients in general conversation and to create a positive experience
  • Willingness to learn about working with clients who have physical or cognitive challenges or unique needs
  • An understanding of infection control and other related procedures

 Time Commitment

We ask for a minimum 6-month commitment for this role. Schedules are negotiated depending on client needs and volunteer availability.

Guidelines and boundaries

  • Follow hand hygiene procedures when arriving, throughout your shift and when leaving.
  • Consent must be obtained from either the client (or the family if the client is unable to consent). Verbal consent is sufficient.
  • You may not perform perms, colours, or other procedures involving chemical processing of the hair.
  • Disinfecting equipment will require the use of chemicals. Therefore, you must complete WHMIS training in Learning Hub, be able to locate SDS sheets, and understand the controls for any chemicals involved.
  • Always follow safe workplace procedures and requirements. Report safety incidents, hazards, or concerns to your staff partner and seek help immediately if you feel unsure. It is your responsibility to refuse any unsafe work and report the situation to your staff partner.
  • Ensure you have been oriented on PPE guidelines and always use appropriate PPE.
  • If your role includes assisting clients to and from the designated room or portering people in wheelchairs, please be aware of the following:
    • Ask staff for clarification prior to interacting if there are any precautions associated with a client.
    • Ensure you are properly trained to handle the client’s assistive devices (wheelchairs, walkers, etc.).
    • Never porter a patient in a bed or stretcher.
    • Do not lift, transfer, or position patients in or out of beds, wheelchairs or vehicles. Do not bathe, toilet or help dress. All these interactions require special training and are the responsibility of staff.
    • Do not lift beds up or down or adjust bedside railings. If adjustment is needed, please let staff know.
    • For safety reasons, when in a client’s room, always leave yourself a clear path to the exit (the bed or other furniture should not be between you and the door).
  • Always respect the confidentiality of our clients.
  • Do not wear scented products.
  • Wear your Northern Health Photo ID badge during your shift.
  • Volunteers must not give professional advice, offer counselling, medical, financial or legal advice or sign any legal documents for patients.
  • Practice good boundaries including:
    • Not accepting gifts or money. Volunteer Hairstylists are not paid.
    • Not becoming involved in client’s care.
    • Not sharing your personal information (e.g. personal phone number or email address).
  • Do not use personal electronic devices while with a client.
  • Do not provide food or drink to anyone unless specifically instructed to do so by a responsible staff member. Patients often have special dietary restrictions, so if a patient says they are hungry or thirsty, check with staff.
  • Please notify us if you cannot attend a shift.
  • Follow established schedules for volunteer duties, attending when directed by staff.
  • Be aware of facility emergency procedures and your role in the event of a Code White, Red, or Silver.