Mississauga Nature Stewards

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Mississauga Nature Steward! 

Applications are now closed! Please see below for more information about our opportunities.  

If you are interested in helping to control invasive species on your own property, you can remove invasive plants such as Garlic Mustard, Periwinkle, English Ivy and non-native Euonymus varieties. You can call 3-1-1 or visit the Invasive Species Centre's website (https://www.invasivespeciescentre.ca/) to learn more about what you can do to help control invasive species in Mississauga.

If you would like to get involved with invasive species management in Mississauga or would like to set up a private event, you can reach out to invasiveplants@mississauga.ca for more information. 

Mississauga Nature Stewards are able get involved in several different programs and opportunities. These are described in further detail below. 

Invasive Species Opportunities

Those interested in invasive species management are encouraged to participate in these opportunities, which include: 

Individual Opportunities

Applications for our 2024 individual opportunities (Garlic Mustard Task Force and Invasive Groundcover Removals) are closed







1. Garlic Mustard removals - Help decrease the spread of Garlic Mustard by volunteering to independently remove Garlic Mustard from woodlands, parks and natural areas across Mississauga. Volunteers will be trained by City of Mississauga staff, provided with supplies and will then independently volunteer at a park of their choosing (based on a predetermined list) between the months of May and early July. 

2. Invasive groundcover removals - Help limit the spread of invasive ground covers, such as Periwinkle, Wintercreeper, and English Ivy by volunteering to independently remove them in natural areas across Mississauga. Volunteers will be trained by City of Mississauga staff, provided with supplies and will then independently volunteer at a park of their choosing (based on a predetermined list) between the months of July and September.

Staff Led Opportunities

Applications for interest in staff led opportunities are closed.


3. Public invasive species removal events - Work with other members of the public to remove invasive species in priority woodlands across Mississauga, led by City of Mississauga staff during the spring, summer and fall. 

4. Staff led workdays - Work alongside City of Mississauga staff carrying out herbaceous and woody invasive species removals in woodlands and natural areas across the City during the summer and fall.