Dakota County General Volunteer and Internship Opportunities

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Citizen Advisory Committees

Dakota County Citizen Advisory Committees support county government by involving citizens in the decision-making process, meeting requirements of state law, helping to define community norms and standards, providing technical expertise, serving as advocates, offering feedback, and reflecting the diverse interests of Dakota County clients and residents.

Activity Shifts Start End
Advisory Committees: Citizen Advisory Committees 1
Youth Citizen Advisory Committees: Extension Committee 1
Youth Citizen Advisory Committees: Library Advisory Committee 1
Youth Citizen Advisory Committees: Public Art Citizen Advisory Committee 1

Community & Corporate Group Volunteering


Now is the perfect time to get out and help out. Group volunteering is a meaningful break from the work/daily routine to help build camaraderie, collaboration, improve team communications, and to help make lasting change. Dakota County’s volunteer opportunities offer many unique and rewarding experiences for your group to experience together. All supplies, training, and event organization is taken care of by us. All your group needs to do is show up, ready to work and have fun!  


Activity Shifts Start End
Community & Corporate Group Volunteering 1

Community Action

Activity Shifts Start End
Ongoing: CAP Agency Meal Delivery Volunteers 1
Ongoing: DARTS Tech Buddies 1

Dakota County Volunteer Network (DCVM)

Working together makes us stronger, builds better bridges and opens up a world of opportunity to our residents. The Dakota County Volunteer Network exists to help local non-profits and organizations tap into Dakota County's broader volunteer network. We seek to serve and activate people not just in Dakota County but to people living in the Twin Cities regions and beyond. We work together to build better programming and to share insight and ideas so that all of organizations can flourish and thrive in the causes that they care about. 

Dakota County Volunteer Network - Connecting Communities to Local Opportunities 

DISCLAIMER: Some of these opportunities are not managed by Dakota County Volunteers but with another local organization. You may have to complete additional registration/documentation with the organization to fully apply for the program. The organizations that host these opportunities take full responsibility for the organization and management of the opportunities listed below. 

Activity Shifts Start End
3.24: DCVN Sampling Series: Volunteer Food Packing at Feed My Starving Children 1 3/24/2025 3/24/2025
4.01: DCVN Sampling Series: Spring Yard Clean-Up - DARTS 1 4/1/2025 4/30/2025
5.01: DCVN Sampling Series: Lawn Care/Adopt My Yard - DARTS 1 5/1/2025 5/31/2025

Eagle Scout and Gold Award Projects

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Boy Scouts - Eagle Scout Projects 1
Girl Scouts - Gold Award Projects 1

Ending Homelessness

Heading Home Dakota is a 10 year plan to prevent and end homelessness, which was finalized in 2012. The work to create it included a variety of surveys and focus groups, a community retreat, analysis and utilization of data on homelessness in Dakota County, and the development of a strategic plan and an implementation guide to meet the needs in our community. Please check out our plan and join us in our effort to end homelessness in Dakota County!

Activity Shifts Start End
Homelessness Volunteer Opportunities 1

Internships & Temporary Positions


Dakota County is looking for the best and the brightest to join our team and take on the challenging and rewarding work of public service. The work we do is unique – we protect public health, keep our communities safe, ensure our vulnerable residents are cared for, help residents get back on their feet; protect our natural resources, get veterans the help they deserve, make sure traffic flows efficiently, inspire children to read and so much more. Grow your career at Dakota County where you can truly “Be More.”

Looking to explore more of our opportunities? Check out our website at https://www.co.dakota.mn.us/Government/Jobs

Activity Shifts Start End
Dakota County Internships & Temporary Positions - Various Departments 1

Transportation Services

Disclaimer: The positions listed below are not with Dakota County Volunteers but with another organization located in Dakota County or serving Dakota County residents.

You may have to complete additional registration/documentation with the host organization to fully apply for these openings. The organizations that host these opportunities take full responsibility for the organization and management of their volunteers.

Activity Shifts Start End
Ongoing: GAPP Services Inc. - Volunteer Driver 1
Ongoing: Hastings Family Services - Just Friends Volunteer Driver 1
Ongoing: Neighbors Inc. - Transportation Volunteer 1

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