Shelter Support


There are an incredible number of ways you can have a measurable impact on the pets in our care. Many of which begin right here at the shelter. We rely on hands-on help from volunteers to help us care for our pets daily, communicate with potential adopters, and keep the shelter clean and tidy.


All shelter support volunteers must be:

  • At least 16 years old with a parent/guardian signature
  • Comfortable with learning how to handle cats or kittens at various stages of life
  • Comfortable with learning how to handle dogs at various stages of life and weights
  • Comfortable and confident speaking on the phone, to Villagers, writing, answering emails and questions
  • Experience with handy projects and doing things on the fly
  • Able to lift at least 30lbs over head

All shelter support volunteers will be required to complete the following:

  • Volunteer Orientation
  • Feline Training (optional)
  • Canine Training (optional)


The Humane Society of St. Lucie County is located at

8890 Glades Cut Off Road, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986​​

Tuesday - Saturday @ 11:00AM - 5:00PM


Administrative opportunities include:

  • Facilities Maintenance (cleaning, laundry, handy projects, etc.)
  • Organizing, sorting, and restocking our pet food pantry
  • Being extra hands when the shelter is short staffed