Thank you for showing interest in joining our Consumer Review Register.
We maintain a confidential register of patients, carers and family who are interested in improving the patient and staff experience at Monash Health. Your information stays totally separate from your Monash Health medical record and consumer participation staff do not have access to your medical records.
This is a voluntary role and you can accept or decline any offer to participate, depending on your interest and services you have accessed at Monash Health.
After joining the Consumer Review Register, you will be contacted via email and invited to review documents or participate in surveys. You can select which activities you get involved in by responding to the activities that spark your interest.
We will let you know what happens to your feedback and provide you with the final versions of all documents you review or outcomes of surveys you participate in.
Terms and Conditions of being a member of the Consumer Review Register
Thank you for helping us provide exceptional experiences to the Monash Health community