Homecare – Volunteer in the Community

Caring Hands (community baby cuddling) - the Caring Hands program is designed to support the families of newborn multiples by providing an extra pair of caring hands to interact with babies in a comforting, helpful, caring manner. Volunteers will spend 3 hours once a week in the home of a family with newborn multiples up until the babies are 1-2 years old, providing a pair of caring hands for the family.


To apply please fill out an online application from the link below and select your interest(s):


Or email volunteer.calgaryhomecare@ahs.ca for more information



Community Friendly Visitor- as a Community Friendly Visitor you will visit with an isolated senior in the community and engage in recreational activities, such as reading, playing games and going for walks. The volunteer is expected to visit with their client once a week for 1-3 hours.



To apply please fill out an online application from the link below and select your interest(s):


Or email volunteer.calgaryhomecare@ahs.ca for more information