Public Relations
CJSF needs to be visible in the community, if it's going to help the community. While that is NOT the most philosophical argument ever uttered, it is the purpose behind the tireless efforts of CJSF's very own Public Relations Department, tasked with promoting the station and its dozens of volunteer-produced radio programs.
Take part in organizing and supporting one of the numerous community events we are involved in or flex your creative muscles designing promotional materials for CJSF like posters, t-shirts, buttons and stickers (don't forget the buttons and stickers!) You can also try your hand at publishing and help us produce our semester program guide, Amplify. Social Media more your thing? You can help with social media content and scheduling, create your own or collect interesting stories and pictures. Into Publishing and Design? We could use your help producing marketing materials, promotional posters and other materials.
If your creative juices ooze just by thinking about finding or filling a niche in the community where CJSF will be heard by all, then step right up! Drop Chris Yee, Public Relations Coordinator, a line at