Arts & Entertainment

Arts and Entertainment Department volunteers assist with giveaways, sponsorships, event listings, as well as interviews and reviews related to literary arts, music, film, visual arts, theatre and dance. The material airs during CJSF's regular broadcast as part of the spoken word programming component and text reviews are published

The A&E mandate at CJSF is to promote those artists that are under-represented in the mainstream media and could really benefit from the promotional boost that our coverage offers. In staying true to this mandate we reserve first right of refusal on any in-house or industry requests.

Do you fancy the idea of joining the A&E gang as a volunteer reviewer or interviewer?

A&E'ers are a lucky bunch: they interview their idols, broadcast their opinions, hone their writing and broadcasting skills, get published, mingle with media, meet up-and-coming stars, and become hyper-hip to the local arts scene. If this sounds like your cup of tea, please email to join the A&E troop. Click here for a tour of recent A&E outpourings.

Do you have an A&E event or opportunity you'd like CJSF to spread the word about?

There are a number of means through which we provide on-air and on-line coverage of events that fit our mandate of promoting artists that are underrepresented by the mainstream media. These means include on-air and on-line giveaways, on-air and on-line reviews, interviews, on-air event listings, and sponsorships. If you'd like to hear your event mentioned on CJSF's airwaves, please email a detailed press release