Poole Museum Volunteer Hub

Welcome to Poole Museum Volunteers Hub

Poole Museum is being transformed and will be reopening in Summer 2025.

Thank you for taking the first step to joining Poole Museum Volunteers.

Why not register today and Create your Personal Profile.

All you need to do to get going is to fill out an application form on this page to register with us as a volunteer.  It's a quick process, and once done you'll be able to:

See what is on offer   -   Learn how to get involved   -   Meet other volunteers and find out more about Volunteering at Poole Museum.

Once you have completed your registration you will be able to sign up for 'Find my place'. 

These events are held each month before the general volunteer coffee breaks so take a look under Opportunities List. 

Below you find details of the roles that we are developing ready for Summer 2025.

If you have any queries over registration, please email poolemuseumvolunteers@bcpcouncil.gov.uk and our team will assist you.

Keep up to Date

Once you're registered and selected your interests, you'll receive emails giving details of upcoming opportunities

and we will send you our newsletter which will arrive in your inbox every quarter. 






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General Interests

COMING SOON Visitor Welcome & Gallery Volunteers

Visitor Welcome & Gallery Volunteers - will engage with visitors to Poole Museum, helping and inspiring visitors to interpret the contents of the various galleries and buildings in the museums estate and to connect with the heritage and culture of Poole. 

COMING SOON Collections Volunteers

Collections Volunteer - As a Collections Volunteer you will be working with the team to document and care for the museums unique and diverse collection. The museum looks after a collection of many thousands of objects and your role will include working with these collections as instructed, as well any the ongoing tasks relating to preparation of exhibitions etc.  You will be trained in the cleaning, maintenance and take care of the public areas of the museum where specialised cleaning and maintenance is required. 

Oral History Volunteer.  Become a member of a structured group of volunteers who are trained in the technics of recording oral histories and the transcriptions of those recordings.  These stories will become a record of life in Poole, its industries and the near surrounding area.  Recordings will be lodged at Poole Museum and the Dorset History Centre for use by researchers and the public.  In our new Museum, there will be an area where visitors can listen and explore oral history recordings. 

COMING SOON Learning & Engagement Volunteer

Learning & Engagement Volunteer - your role will be to inspire others, and particularly the next generation, through supporting the delivery of a programme of school, family and other group activities and workshops. 

COMING SOON Exhibition Steward

Exhibition Steward to be present within the permanent and/or temporary galleries, to enhance all aspects of the visitor experience, interacting with people about the exhibitions and enabling visitors to feel comfortable and welcome, providing guidance and support when needed. 

COMING SOON Volunteer Spotlight Talks and Tours

Volunteer Spotlight Talks and Tours - we are in the process of developing volunteer led talks and toursThese will give volunteers an opportunity to gain in depth knowledge about our collections and share them with member of the public as well as develop tours of galleries and buildings such as Scaplen’s Court. 

Gardener & Maintenance Volunteer at Scaplen’s Court Garden.

Gardener & Maintenance Volunteer at Scaplen’s Court Garden.   Are you a gardening enthusiast with a love for outdoor maintenance? Join us as a Volunteer Gardener and Outdoor Maintenance Specialist! As a valued member of our team, you will play a crucial role in preserving and enhancing the museum's unique garden, creating a warm and aesthetically pleasing atmosphere for our visitors.

COMING SOON Admin Support & Micro Volunteering

Admin Support & Micro Volunteering - you are not keen on a front facing role, then we will be able to offer you admin support roles which will include data entry, survey and evaluation data collections and other ad hoc roles.  We may also be able to offer short micro volunteering opportunities which may be done from home, from time to time. 

1. Visitor Welcome

Visitor Welcome Volunteers will play an important part in inspiring the public through their friendly and engaging interactions with visitors and you will play a central role in helping people be inspired by the museum

Activity Shifts Start End
Scaplen’s Court Gardener 0

6. Social Events

Join staff and fellow volunteers for an informal monthly catch-up over a cuppa.  Volunteer Coffee Breaks are held monthly.  

Activity Shifts Start End
Coffee Break Poole Museum Volunteers 2 4/3/2025 5/7/2025