Ecological Restoration: Invasive Weed Control - Invasive Weed Workday at Yahara Heights

Invasive Weed Workday at Yahara Heights

During these summer workdays, staff and volunteers work to restore land by removing invasive weeds from desirable habitat. View our Invasive Weed Removal webpage here for more information.

A top priority will be identifying and removing herbaceous invasive species using a "Parsnip Predator", by hand, or with other tools as needed. Weed species of particular focus will depend on the season but will comprise of Garlic Mustard, Dame’s Rocket, Wild Parsnip, Japanese Hedge Parsley, Common Burdock, White and Yellow Sweet Clover, Spotted Knapweed, and others as they come up. We do get to see and admire native plants as well!


Yahara Heights - Meet at the intersection of Caton Ln and Riverview Dr.

5133 Caton Ln, Waunakee, WI 53597

Please arrive on time to get situated, we start these workdays promptly. Locations listed are meeting places, late comers may not find us. Call Lars, Shane, or Leah if needed.

How to Prepare: 

What to Know:

  • All tools and training are provided.
  • Bring drinking water, a snack, and sunscreen or bug spray if desired.
  • We take a snack break mid-way through the workday (but breaks can be taken as you need).
  • In case of cancellation due to weather, a notification will be made via email and/or phone to participants who have signed up.

What to Wear: 

We will be walking off trail in tall vegetation potentially encountering poison ivy, wild parsnip, mosquitos or ticks. 

  • Closed-toe shoes
  • Breathable clothing is best for the summertime


  • Volunteers should be comfortable with walking on uneven terrain.
  • View our Open Restrooms webpage for bathroom availability. If there is no bathroom at a workday site, either use one before the workday or ask staff to suggest a nearby public location.


Schedule Summary

This activity generally occurs on

  • Friday Morning