Forever…in motion is a health promotion initiative that helps older adults become physically active through volunteer-led physical activity groups.
Promoting physical activity within the older adult community is a key strategy of motion. As our older adult population increases so does the impact on our healthcare system. One of the greatest health risks for older adults is sedentary living (WHO Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour, World Health Organization, 2020).
The motion Older Adult strategy is to improve and maintain the health of older adults living in the community through support, education, research, partnerships and the promotion of healthy lifestyles. The strategy is available to individuals living in seniors’ congregate housing, condominiums or living in their own homes and is primarily offered in congregate housing buildings, churches, day programs and community association programs.
To improve and/or maintain the health of older adults living in the community through education and physical activity.
The primary goals of the motion Older Adult strategy are to:
- Facilitate and coordinate the support required for older adults, with a focus on physical activity and healthy eating.
- Improve and maintain the health of older adults living in the community.
- Increase access to community based physical activity opportunities for older adults.
- Ensure sustainability of the older adult Forever…in motion programs.