2 - Events: Client Training Seminar Activities - Novel Dog - Hillsborough Home Depot

Novel dogs are dogs that are "new" to EENP dogs. Novel dog volunteers help with EENP team evaluations by walking their dogs in specific areas as instructed. This activity requires you to bring your own dog!

We are looking for 2-3 different dogs. This could be multiple dogs with one volunteer or multiple volunteers. If you will be bringing more than one dog, please text us at 919-408-7292 when you sign up to let us know how many dogs you will be bringing.

You will be asked to walk with your dog in specific areas to train or evaluate EENP dogs' response to a novel dog. 

Your dog does not need to be "well trained" (no worries, we don't judge!). If your dog has strong reactions to other dogs, please let us know when you sign up for your shift so we are prepared. We love to meet all breeds and ages of dogs but we do ask that your dog be current on all standard vaccinations for communicable diseases before participating.

A few notes:

  • It's important to be on time, but once you arrive you may need to wait a bit until the instructors and clients are ready for you. 
  • It's particularly important that you know where you should be and follow instructions about movement. 
  • You should receive specific instructions before your volunteer shift, but when in doubt:
    • Let us know when you arrive -- you can let us know you're there by a text or phone call or, if it is safe to leave your dog in the car, you can come inside to let us know.
    • Don't bring your dog out of the car until we are ready unless instructed otherwise. If you need to toilet your dog, please let us know so we can direct you to a place that won't interfere with training or evaluations. Even dogs at a distance can throw training off! 
    • Often someone will come to your car to give you instructions and a timeframe once we see you have arrived. 

Text (preferred) or call our office (919-408-7292) if you have questions after you have signed up for a shift.

Location: Home Depot
625 Hampton Pointe
Hillsborough, NC 27278