Community-led activities - Buddy Up



As a volunteer, you will organize and host one or more get-together events for English-speaking men.  These events will promote men’s health and well-being and encourage the establishment of a supportive peer network among men in the local community.  All adult men, 18+, are welcome to participate. 


Your responsibilities:

  • Determine the event, location, and date(s) at least one-month ahead of time with the Program Coordinator. You are responsible for overseeing all aspects of your chosen event(s) including managing reservations, setting up the location, overseeing all aspects during the event, including clean-up and lock up if using centre facilities.
  • Help spread the information to English-speaking men wishing to join your and other Buddy Up events. The Program Coordinator will share the event information through the Wellness Centre calendar on and on the Facebook page, Wellness Centre at Jeffery Hale, which you can share.
  • Be present during the entirety of the event to animate the event and help connect other English-speaking guys.
  • Track how many people come and share this number with the Program Coordinator no less than one week after the event. 
  • Give out multimedia consent forms (provided by the Program Coordinator) and give signed copies back to the Program Coordinator. 
  • You will undertake a background/criminal record check.
  • You are expected to be punctual, reliable, and organized.

Need to cancel an event?

If you are unable to participate due to illness or emergency on the week of the event, you must call or email the Program Coordinator to inform about your absence. 


Program Coordinator Information: Verity Jordan, Mental Health Program Coordinator. 418-684-5333 ext. 11932

Qualifications Required

  • Police Check Validated / Revue d'antécédents judiciaires validée Must be Yes/Oui
  • What is your fluency in English / Quelle est votre maîtrise de la langue anglaise Must be at least Conversational / conversationnel