High Prairie Library Circulation Assistant

High Prairie Library Circulation Assistant

There are two volunteer positions available at High Prairie Library:

  • Wednesday mornings (~10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)
  • Saturday afternoon ( ~12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.)

Note: These volunteers should be able to commit for a minimum of six months.

This position will vary, depending on library needs and may include the following duties.

Holds Processor: A holds processor would unload materials (books, DVD's, etc.) from bins that come from other library locations, and place them on the holds shelf for pickup by patrons. 

This volunteer bends, lifts and reaches to place items on work tables, carts, and shelves, so those working as a holds processor need to be able to be physically active in this way for about two hours.

Shelving Assistant:  A shelving assistant would help to return items to library shelves. 

This volunteer needs to be able to follow the Dewey Decimal system for shelving, place books in alphabetical order, bend and reach for items on cart or shelf, and work fairly independently.