Opportunities - Advisory Group for Patient Oriented Innovative Nutrition Trial (POINT) - Micronutrients for ADHD in Youth (MADDY)
Advisory Group for Patient Oriented Innovative Nutrition Trial (POINT)
Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can have increased risk of poor educational achievement, substance abuse problems, psychiatric conditions, among other health risks. Parents and families of children with ADHD have expressed interest to pursue a variety of treatment options and determine the combination of treatments that would best support their child's needs.
The Patient Oriented Innovative Nutrition Trial (POINT) study is building on the results of the Micronutrients for ADHD in Youth (MADDY) study by Dr. Brenda Leung (University of Lethbridge, Alberta) and colleagues that found children with ADHD more likely responders to the multinutrient intervention than placebo (54% to 18% respectively). However, the MADDY study also identified some limitations to the randomized control trial (RCT) design, namely, it did not reflect real-life settings or clinical practice. Lessons learned from the MADDY study will inform the design of an innovative clinical trial (iCT) to test treatment effectiveness that is relevant to the patient and clinical care. This means patients, clinicians, care-providers, and decision makers would be integral to identify the clinical and system’s priorities for research. That is, the current study aims to investigate patient-oriented and non-pharmacological therapeutic models for ADHD.
Creating an advisory group to inform and guide study
The first and most crucial step to this research is the formation of an Advisory Group (AG) which will share input from the following perspectives: youth and young adults living with ADHD; parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with ADHD; educators, clinicians, health and social service providers working with children with ADHD; and individuals involved in policy or research decisions related to care of children and youth.
The Advisory Group members will receive training and meet regularly. This will lead to the co-creation and submission of an innovative clinical trial (iCT) proposal. An honorarium will be provided. The time commitment will be about 1-2 hours per month for the duration of the study.
Roles and Responsibilities
We are looking for patient and community members with experience, insight, and knowledge of children with ADHD to join the Advisory Group. Advisory group members will:
-Engage in orientation and training relevant to patient-oriented research and the POINT study
-Collaborate on opportunities to provide feedback on research directions and help set research priorities
-Review and discuss findings and proposals developed and shared by the POINT team
-Provide additional input and insights as needed
Time Commitment
Meetings will be held every 2-3 months until February 2025 with the possibility of a 1-year extension.
Meetings will be no more than 2 hours in length.
Most meetings will be held online however there is the possibility of in person meetings to support engagement.
Compensation (an honorarium) will be offered as per AbSPORU guidelines. Any out-of-pocket expenses related to collaborating on this project will be reimbursed.
For more information or to apply
Kelsey Berg
Brenda Leung