Event Supporter
We are looking for volunteers to help out at our events!!!
Tasks can include: (supported by the Fundraising Team)
• Marshalling and stewarding events
• Bucket and goblet collections at events
• Attending fetes and fayres
• Preparing hospice goods for events
• Prepare display boards
• Prepare supporting literature or letters related to events
Training & support:
• Pre-event briefings with the Fundraising Team
Health and safety considerations in this role: you will be advised by a member of staff prior to each event, the specific considerations applicable but should consider the following:
• Slips, trips and falls
• Emergency procedures (fire / first aid /escape routes)
• Safe manual handling and equipment use
Time commitment:
Supporters are vital to the running of events for S t Wilfrid’s and we appreciate the time you give us, the times and lengths of events vary. You will be contacted about further events run by the hospice.
Once you apply, your details will be forwarded to Fundraising Department.