Dwylo Diwyd/ Helping Hands - Gwynedd - Diwrnod prosiect corsydd crynedig LIFE / LIFE quake project day, Pen y Groes
Crynu gyda chyffro! Ymunwch â ni ac Uwch Gynghorydd Arbenigol CNC ar gyfer ecosystemau mawndir ledled Cymru, Peter Jones, am ddiwrnod o archwilio’r gors grynedig ddiddorol yn Gors Gyfelog. Ynghyd a dysgu mwy am y cynefinoedd pwysig yma, fyddem yn taclo un o’r bygythiadau i'w hiechyd, y rhywogaeth ymledol Jac-y-neidiwr. Mae’r tir gwlyb ar y safle hwn yn fagwrfa berffaith i ganiatáu'r planhigyn ymledu yn bellach sy’n amharu ar gydbwysedd ecolegol bregus y safle hwn. Bydd y gwaith yn cael ei wneud fel rhan o brosiect LIFE Corsydd Crynedig CNC. Mae hwn yn brosiect 5 mlynedd sy’n cael ei ariannu gan EU LIFE a Llywodraeth Cymru’n anelu at adfer mawndiroedd, corsydd crynedig, a’u tirweddau cynhaliol ehangach. Ymunwch â ni ar y diwrnod i ddarganfod mwy am y prosiect anhygoel hwn! Am fwy o wybodaeth am y prosiect LIFEquake, ewch i: https://naturalresources.wales/about-us/what-we-do/our-projects/nature-projects/life-quake/?lang=cym Lefel ffitrwydd - Cymhedrol |
Quaking with excitement! Join us and NRW’s Senior Specialist Adviser for peatland ecosystems across Wales, Peter Jones, for a day exploring the fascinating quaking bog at Cors Gyfelog. As well as learning more about these important habitats, we will be tackling one of the threats to its health, the invasive species Himalayan balsam. The wet ground at the site is a perfect breeding ground to allow the plant to spread even further which threatens to disrupt the fragile ecological balance at this site. This work will be undertaken as part of NRW’s LIFE Quaking Bogs project. This is a 5-year project funded by EU LIFE and the Welsh Government that aims to restore peatland, quaking bogs, and their wider supporting landscapes. Joins us on the day to find out more about this amazing project. For more information on the LIFEquake Project, visit: https://naturalresources.wales/about-us/what-we-do/our-projects/nature-projects/life-quake/?lang=en Fitness level - Moderate |