Loving Thunder Therapeutic Riding, Inc.

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General Interests


Sidewalking during lessons

 Do you like working with individuals with disabilities?  This position will be assisting our riders when necessary to accomplish the tasks involved in grooming, tacking, mounting, dismounting, and riding in the arena.


  •  Completion of all application requirements.
  •  Completion of Orientation(Level 1 and 2)
  •   Completion of Lesson Observation time frame (usually 2 hrs)
  •   You must be able to assist riders during an emergency dismount if needed.
  •   You should be healthy and strong enough to lift at least 40 lbs.
  •   You should be able to walk or trot (short periods) beside a horse for a minimum of 30 minutes.
  •   This job requires you to be physically fit and free of back and shoulder challenges.
  •   You may be asked to help with stall maintenance if your rider does not show.

Your personal well-being is important to us too. Please be honest about your ability.

Horse Leader

Horse Leading during lessons

Do you have a talent for horses?  This position involves a good working knowledge of horse behaviors, training methods, a calm presence, and riding skills.  You are in charge of the horse during our lessons.  


  •  Prior horse experience.
  •  Minimum of 30 hrs sidewalking in lessons.(training completion required)
  •  Completion of Horse Leader Training class and proficiency of the skills.
  •  Arrive a minimum of 30 minutes before the 1st lesson of the day (for horse warm-up).
  •  You may be asked to help with stall maintenance if your rider does not show up.


Would you like to help with duties like data entry, drafting correspondence, monthly newsletter, preparing meeting notes and communications with supporters?  It is preferred that you have some clerical or managerial experience for this job. Hours are flexible and our staff will support you and your efforts.


  • Support for Loving Thunder's mission
  • Willingness to learn and a spirit of service
  • Commitment to completion of quality work and attention to detail
  • Experience and ability to communicate clearly on the phone
  • Pleasant demeanor and comfort interacting with the public
  • Comfort, skill, and accuracy when using basic computer functions
  • Consistent availability. 
  • Willingness to complete a background check and sign a confidentiality agreement



Court Ordered Community Service

Court Ordered Community Service

Do you have a required number of community service hours to complete for a minor offense? Call us to find out if you qualify.  (505) 206-9090

This position requires a great deal of physical activity. 

Duties include, but are not limited to: General ranch maintenance (cleaning stalls, sweeping, pulling weeds, trimming bushes, etc.)  If you have any special talents such as electrical work, welding, mechanics, etc, please let us know.

Board of Director

Do you have Board of Directors experience?  Can you help Loving Thunder's management move the Mission forward in a positive manner?  Do you have experience as a Lawyer, CPA or Accountant, Medical Professional, Grant management, or other critical expertise?

If so, please contact us.

Lesson Helpers

Activity Shifts Start End
Instructor hours 1

Our Mission

Loving Thunder Therapeutic Riding, Inc.'s mission is to empower and improve the quality of life for people with mental and physical challenges thru therapeutic horsemanship, therapies, and educational outreach to all.

Changing Lives One Ride at a Time