Future Academy Notification Email List - Future CERT Academy Email Sign-Up

Hello and thank you for your interest in attending our next CERT Academy.  Please note when academy dates are announced, priority registration is given to registrants who live in the City of San Diego.  However, we invite our out-of-town friends to sign up on the "Back-Up List".  In the week leading up to the start of the academy, any unclaimed seats will be offered to those on the wait list.  Those seats are issued on a first come, first served basis.    

CERT San Diego conducts Hybrid and Traditional academies.  All in-person academy dates are scheduled during weekends and general run six to eight hours each day.  Hybrid academies have four Zoom meetings (2 hours once a week for four weeks) and up to three in-person training days (on average between 4 - 6 hours) with one of those days being a live action drill and graduation.  Traditional academies have four or five in-person days:  three or four days of classroom lectures and hands on skills training and one day for a live action drill and graduation.


Qualifications Required

  • Your Age Group Must be at least 18 and older

Schedule Summary

This activity generally occurs on

  • Saturday - Morning, Afternoon
  • Sunday - Morning, Afternoon