Non-CERT Volunteer Roles - Volunteer Patients

We recruit for this opportunity year-round.  A large number of volunteer patients is needed to create a realistic disaster scenario for out Academy graduates.  This is perfect for Boy Scout and Girl Scout groups looking to fulfill badge requirements.

If you are over the age of 13 and looking for volunteer opportunities to meet your community service requirements, please consider becoming a Volunteer Patient for our CERT Academy Final Drill.  This is a one-day event that requires approximately 7 hours of your time.  Those under 18 will need to have a parent or legal guardian sign and submit a permission form.

So, what does this opportunity look like?  Well, it lets you release your inner drama king or queen!  Volunteers have special effects make-up applied that simulates injuries sustained in a disaster. Our CERT Academy graduates will search for you, try to identify your injuries, and provide you with a course of treatment based on their assessment.  Your volunteer service will provide a valuable learning opportunity for our graduates!

Qualifications Required

  • Your Age Group Must be at least 13 and older

Schedule Summary

This activity generally occurs on

  • Sunday - Morning, Afternoon