St. Louis Aquarium Foundation

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the St. Louis Aquarium Foundation!

Here are the steps in applying to become a volunteer -

Step 1: Review Volunteer Requirements

As a potential St. Louis Aquarium Foundation volunteer you will be required to:

  • Be at least 16 years old. For potential volunteers who are under the age of 18, a letter of recommendation from an educator will be required.
  • Complete an interview with St. Louis Aquarium Foundation staff.
  • Consent to a background checks and complete the required information if chosen to move forward with volunteering. (18 and under to submit a letter of recommendation in place of background check)
  • Attend a Volunteer Orientation Session at Union Station if selected to move forward with volunteering.
  • Complete any additional training needed for their volunteer position, contingent upon successful background check results.
  • Pay a volunteer fee of $20 to the St. Louis Aquarium Foundation.


Step 2: Review Available Volunteer Positions

Before you apply, please make sure to read the descriptions for the volunteer positions that we currently are offering below:

  • Education Volunteer
  • Volunteer Ambassador


Step 3: Complete the Volunteer Application Form

Please complete the application form.


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Volunteer Opportunities

Education Volunteer

Position Title:  Education Volunteer 


Education Volunteers will provide educational content to guests of the St. Louis Aquarium at Union Station through assistance with classroom lessons, school group visits, in education classes/programs for youth, and summer camp.

Education volunteers may be asked to speak to groups of visitors using a microphone to explain features of a specific exhibit such as: describing the types of fish they are viewing, characteristics of their habitat, sharing conservation messages, etc. 

All volunteers will attend orientation through the St. Louis Aquarium Foundation and must be familiar with and follow all safety procedures as specified by the St. Louis Aquarium at Union Station. Some volunteer positions may require additional training and/or supervision from other Aquarium and Aquarium Foundation staff members and departments as appropriate to the specific volunteer duties. 

The St. Louis Aquarium Foundation reserves the right to remove any volunteer for any reason.



Education Volunteers will be trained to educate Aquarium guests about aquatic species, local ecosystems and waterways, and water/habitat conservation. Volunteers may be asked to perform the following duties:
• Help educators in the Aquarium classroom(s) prepare supplies for school group programs and/or lead school groups on tours of the Aquarium exhibits 
• Help keep education classrooms organized and prepped for the next session
• Assist with communications with schools to prepare them for their upcoming visit, or assisting with outreach efforts to inform schools about the H20 Friends program (free programs/field trips for underserved schools).



Volunteer Position Requirements:
• Follow all zoOceanarium Group, St. Louis Aquarium at Union Station, and Aquarium Foundation Standard Operating Procedures and Policies
• Passion for enhancing the guest experience through interpretation about aquatic life and habitats 
• Desire to work in close proximity to the Aquarium’s flora and fauna
• Strong communication skills and the ability to communicate effectively to staff, volunteers and visitors of all ages
• Ability to interact positively and appropriately with guests, volunteers and staff
• Be open to learning about every aspect of the St. Louis Aquarium and Aquarium Foundation and be open to suggestions and feedback
• Desire to fulfill our institutional mission of instilling a sense of wonder, respect and stewardship for the local waterways, oceans and their inhabitants and ecosystems

• Ability to read, write, and speak high school level English
• Seeking volunteers who can read, write, or speak Spanish, but not required
• Seeking volunteers who know sign language, but not required 
• Experience presenting or communicating to small groups of people 
• Must be age 16 or older

Volunteer Ambassador

Position Title:  Volunteer Ambassador


Volunteer Ambassadors help the St. Louis Aquarium provide exceptional guest service and education for the one million+ guests to the St. Louis Aquarium. This includes welcoming and answering questions for school groups/teachers, tour groups, daily visitors, as well as helping on the floor of the Aquarium to help with guest flow and answering questions. Candidates for this volunteer position must commit to a minimum of 4 hours every month and be 16 years of age or older.  

While volunteering, all activity must have safety as its main concern. The Volunteer Ambassador must be familiar with all safety procedures as specified by the St. Louis Aquarium at Union Station. 

All volunteers will attend orientation through the St. Louis Aquarium Foundation and must be familiar with and follow all safety procedures as specified by the St. Louis Aquarium at Union Station. Some volunteer positions may require additional training and/or supervision from other Aquarium and Aquarium Foundation staff members and departments as appropriate to the specific volunteer duties. 

The St. Louis Aquarium Foundation reserves the right to remove any volunteer for any reason.



While helping the Aquarium and Aquarium Foundation provide a quality visitor experience, volunteers may be asked to perform the following duties:

• Assist with guest flow and questions throughout the aquarium experience 
• Provide information and education regarding species and exhibits within the Aquarium 
• Where appropriate, direct questions and complaints to the appropriate team member/manager
• Follow all zoOceanarium Group, St. Louis Aquarium at Union Station, and Aquarium Foundation Standard Operating Procedures and Policies
• Create positive interactions and experiences for guests, volunteers and staff
• Be open to learning about every aspect of the St. Louis Aquarium and Aquarium Foundation and be open to suggestions and feedback
• Fulfill our institutional mission of instilling a sense of wonder, respect and stewardship for the local waterways, oceans and their inhabitants and ecosystems



Volunteer Position Requirements:
• Passion for enhancing the guest experience through interpretation about aquatic life and habitats 
• Ability to work in close proximity to the aquarium’s flora and fauna
• Strong communication skills and the ability to communicate effectively to staff, volunteers and visitors
• Ability to follow directives and implement constructive feedback from Aquarium and Aquarium Foundation leadership

Education & Experience:
• Ability to read and write high school level English
• Preferred experience presenting or communicating to small groups of people 
• Must be age 16 or older

Our Mission

As the nonprofit partner to the St. Louis Aquarium at Union Station, the Aquarium Foundation engages individuals through access, conservation and education programs, building powerful communities for water stewardship.