Charity Shop

Volunteers 14-18 years old can click here to register their interest 

The Durrell Charity Shop is a wonderful initiative generating a vital income stream for Durrell.

Recycling, reducing and re-using is consistent with our drive for a more sustainable and eco friendly planet.

We are open to the public to grab a bargain 09:00 - 13:00 Tuesday - Saturday.

Volunteers can come in to help out from 08:00 - 14:30 on Mondays and from 08:00 - 15:00 Tuesday - Saturday. Some Volunteers come for a couple of hours some come and stay for the whole shift - we are flexible to suit you.

We welcome anyone in this area who is motivated and enthusiastic and enjoys working as part of a busy team.

If you also have experience in retail and/or customer services then the charity shop could provide an ideal volunteering opportunity for you. 

The role may include: organisation and dressing areas of the shop, pricing goods, serving the public, sorting through merchandise.

If you can drive and are willing, there is also opportunity to pick up and/or delivering goods to customers in our zoo van.

Volunteers come together to make a great team. They bring a wide range of knowledge and experience, but most importantly, a great sense of humour and team work ethic as they raise crucial funds for Durrell.

How physically demanding is this role?

This role is rated from 2-5 out of 5. Due to the nature of the different roles available in the charity shop we rate this role from Low, Medium to a High level of physical activity. Some of the roles in the charity shop require lower levels of physical activities such as sorting through soft toys, clothes, computer games, books and dvds but may require standing for long periods or sitting twisting and turning and so rated 2. Other roles can involve heavy lifting such as delivering donated furniture and moving heavy dontated goods and rated 5. Volunteers of course are able to choose what they are comfortable doing.


Activity Shifts Start End
Durrell Charity Shop 2024 815 3/26/2025 1/12/2027