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Current Volunteer Opportunities
City of Burnaby - Recreation: Camps and Playgrounds
City of Burnaby - Recreation: Children's Programs
City of Burnaby - Burnaby Village Museum
City of Burnaby - Recreation: Camps and Playgrounds
City of Burnaby - Recreation: Camps and Playgrounds
City of Burnaby - Recreation: Arena Services
City of Burnaby - Burnaby Art Gallery
City of Burnaby - Recreation: Children's Programs
City of Burnaby - Recreation: Citizen Support Services
City of Burnaby - Recreation: Camps and Playgrounds
Message from the Mayor
Every year, Burnaby relies on volunteers who take on all sorts of roles, from coaches working with kids to community organizers who lend a hand to vulnerable people in our community. When we volunteer, we are helping to build a stronger community, by forging connections between people who might come from different backgrounds and life experiences. There has never been a better time to get involved in volunteer activities in Burnaby!
- Mayor Mike Hurley