Shelley Theatre


Shelley Theatre;  a thriving community theatre whose volunteers are core to its continuance and impact on the community.  The team provides a wide range of roles from front of house, box office bar and café together with behind the scenes including film projection, sewing, cleaning (not WC), maintenance, building and gardening and in the future we would like to see fund raising, audience development, tour and history guides.

There is so much more to develop, if you have a great skill that you would like to share it with the community, I would suggest we are a great friendly team that would be pleased to hear from you!

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Our Values

  • Creative Learning – we recognise the intrinsic value of the arts as well as the social and economic benefits. We see ourselves as a developmental organisation, one that is always learning.
  • Heritage – we value heritage for its own sake and for what it teaches us about ourselves. We believe in preserving and sharing the history and stories associated with Shelley Manor, the Shelley family and the subsequent uses of the building.
  • Wellbeing and health – our close proximity to a medical centre is of particular importance. We recognise the role the creative arts can play in helping people to enjoy positive, fulfilling and healthy lives.
  • Community Engagement – we believe that Shelley Theatre should be of the community and for the community and that it can only succeed with the active involvement of local people in its practical and creative development.
  • Inclusivity – we welcome all our community regardless of age, income, ethnicity, disability or sexuality. We will make efforts to remove barriers to participation.
  • Quality – we believe that quality should be a hallmark of everything we do, whether in the programme we present, the facilities we offer, the way we welcome and engage with people.
  • Partnership – we value partnerships as a key to developing an open, strong and sustainable organisation