Shop by Phone Phoner volunteers contact their assigned senior client(s) on a weekly basis to take their grocery order over the phone. The grocery order form is then emailed to Citizen Support Services and the volunteer shoppers take it from there.
Shop by Phone Shopper volunteers will shop the grocery orders for senior client(s) at Save On Food located on the corner Kingsway and Willingdon, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9-11:30am.
Volunteer Visitors provide a friendly visit once a week to a Burnaby senior, who is isolated or simply would like to make a social connection in person. Volunteer visits are typically 1-2 hours and can be in the senior client’s home or out in the community.
As a volunteer Shopping Buddy you will meet up with a senior client and accompany them in Metrotown or Lougheed Mall on Thursdays, from 10:30am to 1:00pm. All senior clients take HandyDart to and from the malls.
Phone Buddy volunteers provide a friendly phone call to isolated seniors in Burnaby that are in need of companionship, support and a friend over the phone. Phone Buddy volunteers typically call 1-2 times per week for 1-2 hours per phone call.
As a volunteer Gadabouts Driver you will pick up a senior client from their home and bring them to and from a local Burnaby Community/Recreation Centre, where our bus outing will begin and conclude. This takes place once a month on a Thursday (drivers are reimbursed for their mileage).
As a volunteer Lunch Program Driver you will pick up a senior client from their home and drive them to and from a local Burnaby Community/Recreation Centre. The lunch program runs on Thursdays between 10:30-1:00 pm (drivers are reimbursed for their mileage).
As a volunteer Social Event Assistant you will greet, socialize, and assist assigned senior client(s) during social outings/events. This volunteer position is for the Lunch Program and/or the Gadabouts outings, as well as seasonal Citizen Support Services special events.
As a Wellness Caller, you would perform check-in calls with Burnaby seniors, in the event of an Extreme Heat Response alert being issued.
The Parks, Recreation and Culture Department is dedicated to offering the very best in programs, activities and events – all in a welcoming setting for residents and visitors of all ages, skill levels and interests. Together, our goal is to create a community that provides citizens with opportunities for an active and healthy lifestyle.