Great North Museum: Hancock - Lego Build the Change @ Family Twilight support

Join us for an exciting  activity, delivered in partnership with the Natural History Museum and the LEGO group.

We're running free nature-focused educational activities, inviting children to unleash their creativity and imagination to help build solutions to the impacts of human activity on the planet.

Set-up and set-down:
Support with preparing the space and resources for the activity - e.g. filling bowls with lego, sorting resources into packs, tucking chairs under tables, tidying lego bricks from tables and floors, packing resources away neatly.

During the activity:
Providing a friendly welcome and encouraging visitors (focused on 6+ year olds and their families/carers) to take part in the activity
Explaining the activity and handing out resources
Tidying up throughout the evening
Talking to visitors about what they've built or might build out of lego and congratulating/celebrating their unique ideas.


Skills needed: 

Confidence talking to the public - you will need to be proactively approaching visitors to welcome them in or check-in on their progress with their builds, being friendly, smiley and approachable.
Ability to adapt to different visitor needs - using simpler language if needed, encouraging those who are unsure, providing extra ideas or challenge for those who are confident, celebrating and congratulating success.
Some understanding/interest in nature and the environment - all the challenges are about designing things that can improve the environment around us for nature and people.
Creativity & Open-mindedness - the challenges are all about dreaming up imaginative solutions to problems, rather than focusing on realistic/implementable ideas. You'll need to be able to get on board with children's wild ideas even when they are far from becoming a possibility. It will also be beneficial if you can come up with creative ideas yourself, to inspire them.
Good timekeeping/reliability

Good to know:

May be noisy, happening in a space with electric light only (no windows), step-free access in the building and access toilets, access to volunteering bag available. Some tasks will involve physical dexterity/fine motor skills (, this can be reduced/removed as a reasonable adjustment - please let us know if these sorts of tasks are unsuitable for you.) 


Level of English Required

Understand times and dates
follow simple instructions
give one or two word answers
have short simple conversations
Understand detailed instructions with 2 or 3 parts
read signs and single words
read short sentences and simple  instructions

Understand and use primary-school level Science vocabulary in conversation - e.g. habitat, environment, endangered, extinct, pollution.

Read and understand 1-2 page summaries of the activity, aimed at reading ages of 8-12 year olds. Pass this information to visitors (e.g. simplifying or explaining words).
Optional to write short sentences dictated by younger children - to describe their build when it is put on display.

Date and time

Friday 21st February 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm.  Please sign up separately to volunteer briefing on Tuesday 18th February online at 4pm

Qualifications Required

  • General induction Must be attended
  • Read Volunteer policy and volunteer agreement Must be yes

Schedule Summary

This activity has the following schedule

Date Start Time End Time
Friday, February 21, 2025 5:30 PM 8:30 PM