Our ICTC ministry focuses on youth in schools in the community of West Abbotsford, which is predominantly South Asian. ICTC creates connection through school involvement, clubs, coaching, evening events and day trips. This is accompanied with door visits, mentoring times and small group connections.
ICTC originally stood for "Ice Cream Turtle Club" (as named by a group of grade 6's). It now stands for I'm Created To Connect. This name shows our desire to provide youth with a place where they belong and are loved.
Our team is always on the lookout for volunteers who have a passion to lead, mentor, love and invest in community youth. Volunteers help run after school clubs, coach school sports, run evening youth nights, go on day trips and connect one-on-one and in small group settings.
We can't help but see the hope and potential in every young person we meet and reach through community specific programs. We’re committed to extending Christ’s love to youth who otherwise are falling through the cracks. Our purpose is to see these young lives transformed through relationships. It all starts with connection, the moment when a young person meets a Youth Unlimited youth worker who will be there for them for the long haul.
Motivated by our faith in Jesus, we believe that transformed youth have the opportunity to transform communities, our country, and the world.