Catering & Events - Brunch with Santa - Craft Table Attendant

Help RGZ Guests Enjoy Brunch with Santa as a Craft Table Assistant. This role is perfect for those volunteers who enjoy working with children.  Tasks include:  

  • Sit at a table and assist children with small craft project.
  • Help set up, prep craft materials (am). 
  • Maintain organization, cleanliness of craft table and surrounding area. 
  • Help clean up, organize and return unused craft items to catering (pm). 
  • Volunteers should be at least 16 years old for this position.
  • Please note that you may be reassigned on the day based on what spaces need to be filled. 
  • All volunteers will help clean and reset the room between sessions, as they are able.

This role is particularly suited to volunteers with limited mobility, or those not able to stand for long periods of time.  This is a public facing role with heavy guest/ child & parents / interaction.  Please wear your red volunteer shirt and name tag (or a nice red shirt).  You may wear appropriate holiday themed clothing and/or accessories.  Must wear closed-toed shoes (preferably non-slip) and long pants.  

Qualifications Required

  • What age category are you? Must be at least 16-17 years