Catering & Events - Brunch with Santa - Registration

Volunteer at Brunch with Santa by assisting our Catering Team with Guest Check In. Tasks not limited to, but mainly include: 

  • Check guests names against registration, confirm number of guests
  • Help Direct Guests to their seats
  • Volunteers should be at least 16 years old for this position.
  • Please note that you may be reassigned on the day based on what spaces need to be filled. 
  • All volunteers will help clan and reset the room between sessions, as they are able.

This is a public facing position with heavy guest interaction.  This role can be completed while seated and chairs will be available.  Some walking could be required while directing guests to their tables, if able.  Please wear your red volunteer shirt & name tag (or a nice red shirt).   You may wear appropriate holiday themed clothing / accessories.  Must wear closed-toed shoes (preferably non-slip) and long pants.

Qualifications Required

  • What age category are you? Must be at least 16-17 years