Catering & Events - Brunch with Santa - Elf / Santa's Helper & Line Monitor

Help RGZ guests enjoy Brunch with Santa! Being a Santa's Elf is a very active role, assisting the catering staff with the following activities:

  • Guide Santa to/from the Banquet Room (including:  up/down stairs and in between tables/chairs) 
  • Manage the line of children and parents waiting to take a photo w/Santa
  • Volunteers should be at least 16 years old for this position
  • Please note that you may be reassigned on the day based on what spaces need to be filled. 
  • All volunteers will help clean and reset the room between sessions., as they are able.

This is a very active and public facing position, with heavy guest interaction with families waiting in line.  This role requires significant standing and walking throughout entire shift.  Please wear your red volunteer shirt & name tag (or a nice red shirt).   You may wear holiday appropriate clothing and/or accessories.  Must wear closed-toed shoes (preferably non-slip) and long pants.  

The Catering team will be your point of contact upon arrival and will provide direction before and during your shift.  Volunteers should be at least 16 years old for this position.

Qualifications Required

  • What age category are you? Must be at least 16-17 years