Welcome to the City of Santa Ana's Parks, Recreation & Community Services Agency volunteer page. We look forward to providing you with a rewarding volunteer experience. We value your time and experience and are excited about the impact your service as a volunteer will have in our community.
The following are some of our current volunteer opportunities:
Youth Sports Program
To learn more about Youth Sports volunteer opportunities call America Robledo at (714) 647-6556, or email: ARobledo@santa-ana.org
Community Garden Program: Volunteer Information
Are you an experienced gardener? We welcome your gardening skills/tips and plant identification knowledge.
Unfamiliar with gardening? We can still use the help and teach you along the way!
Volunteering at a community garden is a great way to serve your
community, learn new skills and reap the benefits of the great outdoors!
Gardens are difficult to maintain with so few people. The more hands we have to help, the more food we can grow and share!
Accepting volunteers of all ages! If you are in high school, we encourage you to fulfill your community service hours with us!
Common volunteer duties:
-Community outreach
-Provide garden tours to visitors
-Assist with workshops
-Lead a workshop
-Water & weed
-Organize and prep
-Maintain compost/ add compost to beds
-Add mulch to beds
-Collect seeds/create seed packets
-Trim plants/trees
-Plant seeds/transplant seedlings
-Help gather and organize tools at closing
-Have fun!
For further information, please contact the Wellness Program office at (714) 571-4253 or email Veronica Roach at vdevolroach@santa-ana.org
The City of Santa Ana's mission is to provide efficient public services in partnership with our community which ensures public safety, a prosperous economic environment, opportunities for our youth, and a high quality of life for residents.