Food Pantry

Food Pantry is available for any Vanderburgh, Warrick, and Posey Counties residents. Clients receive grocery assistance based on available products from TSFB and availability.

This program occurs Mon, Wed, Thur, from 1:15-3:15p at 1040 N Fulton Ave

Volunteers are needed to help track the orders, select the food items (or help the clients select their own food items), bag the order, and help the clients to their car(if enough volunteers are available)

Activity Shifts Start End
Food Pantry Attendant - Mondays 72 10/14/2024 2/23/2026
Food Pantry Attendant - Thursdays 70 10/17/2024 3/5/2026
Food Pantry Attendant - Wednesday 73 10/16/2024 3/4/2026