War on Hunger - Table Attendant - Westside Schnucks

The Salvation Army of Evansville served over 120,000 meals last year. All made possible thanks to the resources provided by our generous community. During the War on Hunger campaign, we are collecting for this year's programs and we need volunteers to greet customers and pass out shopping lists of the needed items. We want to be ready to serve even more families struggling across Vanderburgh, Warrick, and Posey Counties for this new year!

  1. Try to address and greet every customer with a friendly hello!
  2. Offer them a flyer to support “The Salvation Army’s War on Hunger”
  3. Donated food items can be dropped into the "Two Men and a Truck" storage boxes to be picked up later in the day.
  4. Any money donated will go into the cash boxes and be used to purchase food at a reduced cost in the future
  5. Cash boxes will be picked up at the end of the day and are locked onto a stand to make them harder to tamper with.
  6. Cash boxes will be picked up by a Salvation Army employee/official and food boxes will be picked up by Two men and a Truck employee.
  7. If there are any difficulties – please call Rachel Edgington at 812-316-5145 or Alex Rahman at 812-664-4705

We ask that volunteers arrive at their respective Schnuck's store a few minutes before their shift starts and please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.