Project Island Song Volunteer Hub

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Teaming with wildlife

Helping us to bring back the birdsong to the islands of Ipipiri, note by note.

Our Volunteers

Without the commitment of our strong volunteer base Project Island Song would not have achieved what is has done to date. As we look to the future we are aware how important that volunteer success is to our ongoing success. 

As a volunteer you are a vital member of our community and contributor to our organisation, helping us all fulfill our mission and achieve our goals. We welcome inquiries about volunteering. There are a number of different ways you can support our work, including (but not restricted to) planting, bird monitoring, weeding, and advocacy on the islands.

Our Vision

Project Island Song's vision is the ecological restoration of the pest-free islands of Ipipiri in the eastern Bay of Islands to create an archipelago of sanctuaries that celebrates the native subtropical habitat, lush with vegetation and alive with birdsong.

Project Island Song is a partnership between community conservation group the Guardians of the Bay of Islands, local Rawhiti hapu (Ngati Kuta and Patukeha) and the Department of Conservation.

Thanks to this incredible partnership the islands of Ipipiri are beginning to sing once again after many years of silence.

New Zealand’s native wildlife is under threat. Humans created that threat. It is up to us to help redress the balance and support natural regeneration.


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Weeding Programme - Weedbusters

The Weedbusters are the front line in preventing the spread of invasive weeds on Ipipiri.

This is a great way to get out into the Bay of Islands, assist with the work that Project island song is doing and become immersed in the environment.

Nature needs you. Weedbusters is a great social event, come meet people, and see the impact that you individually can make.

Activity Shifts Start End
Saturday Island Weedbusting - with boat transport provided 1 3/15/2025 3/15/2025
Saturday Island Weedbusting - WITHOUT boat transport provided e.g. you must meet us on the island 1 3/15/2025 3/15/2025
Wednesday Island Weedbusters - with boat transport provided 1 2/19/2025 3/12/2025
Wednesday Island Weedbusters - WITHOUT boat transport provided, you meet us on the island 2 2/19/2025 3/12/2025

Our Mission

Together we protect, sustain and help restore the natural birdlife of the Ipipiri archipelago, note by note, to enable our special place and people to thrive now and for future generations.