A Weekend of Service 2023 - Remote/Online Service Project!

Can't be physically present in Andover for Weekend of Service?  This is the project for you!  After signing up for this, a Zoom link will be sent to you for Saturday morning, November 4. 

Gather together on Zoom for a morning devotional, and then spend an hour serving the world around you!  Do you have a neighbor in need? Could you pick up some trash along the road?  Maybe you've been needing to set aside time to do home improvements that will be more energy efficient and, therefore, kinder to God's Creation?  You can come with a project in mind, or we will discern something together. No matter who you are or where you are, you have gifts to offer and there is service to be done.  

After we serve our local communities, we'll gather again on Zoom to share our experiences and get to know one another!  We look forward to meeting you and working with you from afar! 


If this is your first time here, click here to get started.

If you have been here before, login here or download the app and start signing up for the activities and times that work best for you!

Questions or concerns? Click here to email Brian, our Engagement Coordinator.