Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Gather. We appreciate your commitment to making a positive impact in our community!
Gather depends on hundreds of volunteers each month to operate our programs. We are currently accepting new applications for the Program Areas listed below. Please note that most of our volunteer shifts occur during our weekday operating hours.
Volunteer Guidelines
To join the Gather Team, volunteers must be at least 15 years old. If you or someone in your group is under 15, we encourage you to organize a food drive. Please reach out to our team for more information.
Getting Started
We kindly require all new volunteers attend an orientation to learn about Gather’s programs and volunteer opportunities. Orientations take place at our Pantry Market at 210 West Road, Unit 3, Portsmouth and last about 90 minutes. Once you have completed your application, please sign up for an upcoming orientation. Space is limited and pre-registration is required.
Steps to Becoming a Gather Volunteer
If you have questions or require additional information before becoming a part of our team, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your contributions mean a lot to us, and we are here to support you every step of the way.
The Gather Team
Gather's mission is to offer innovative programs that build food security in welcoming and dignified ways.
For over 200 years, Gather has provided fresh, healthy food to individuals experiencing food insecurity in Greater Seacoast communities. Gather believes access to food is a fundamental human right and provides nutritious foods through innovative programs that foster connection and community-building.