Free Food Shed

With 10-15 mins of your day you can help us keep the Free Food Shed clean and organized!
The job includes sanitizing high touch areas: door knobs, handles, drawer pulls, shelves, etc.

  • Organize the fridge: fruit with fruit and veggies with veggies (breaking up "bunches" to give more people access), remove any 'NO THANKS' or rotting items for compost.
  • Organize the pantry, moving newer items to the back and older items to the front.
  • Check the freezer for garbage and organize if necessary - garbage and compost will need to be taken with you.
  • Take a photo once you're done (if possible) and send it to us so we can keep track of the Food Shed's needs.
  • Occasionally you may also be asked to pick up a donation from a grocery store or the food bank on the way to your caretaking shift.

Sign up for as many shifts as you can and stop by when it works for you within the shifts timeslot. If you can't make it, no worries; just let us know. Thank you for your support in this important project. We're saving potentially wasted food and feeding our community.