Food Services - Coffee Bar Coordinator

- oversees smooth flow of the coffee bar, sends emails to volunteers on updates and issues, works closely with the Bonsor 55+ Society Board Liaison

- checks that good hygiene practices are carried out re: counters, tables, sink, tea, and coffee pots

- introduce yourself to volunteers and encourage them to use the troubleshooting book in the drawer for any concerns or to call the Coffee Bar Coordinator if any trouble arises.

- organizes training for all new volunteers either through the coordinator or someone who has good working practice and experience. Checks periodically that new volunteers are being trained properly and to order new nametags

- schedules meetings for coffee bar committee/volunteers as necessary. These meetings can be informational regarding changes or social or both, eg. the annual coffee bar breakfast

- ensure groups who are pre-ordering coffee/cookies must fill out a "refreshment request" form

- prepares the coffee bar annual AGM report

- prepares a monthly report for Bonsor 55+ Society Board Liaison to report at the board meeting.

- works closely with the Coffee Bar Scheduler and her/his back-up to make sure you know all the shift changes after the posted schedules.

- let the front desk, your back-up, and the Board Liaison know if you are going away

- advise the Board Liaison of anyone who is not well/sick so greeting cards can be sent via the "sunshine" person.