Emergency Disaster Services

The Salvation Army began offering assistance to disaster survivors after a major hurricane hit Galveston, TX in September 1900, destroying the coastal city and killing thousands of people. At the request of The Salvation Army’s National Commander, officers from across the country moved into the Galveston area to help feed and shelter the thousands of survivors, while also providing much needed emotional and spiritual support.

Since then, The Salvation Army has responded to numerous natural disasters, transportation accidents, civil unrest situations, and terrorist attacks. By providing beverages, snacks, meals, and emotional and spiritual care to first responders and survivors, The Salvation Army strives to bring hope and healing to people who find themselves in the midst of extremely difficult situations.


  • Credentialed training provided by The Salvation Army


Emergency Disaster Service Positions:

Canteen Driver

Canteen Helper

Kitchen Helper

Emergency Disaster Helper

Emergency Disaster shelter Manager

Emergency Disaster Shelter Helper


Activity Shifts Start End
Emergency Disaster Team Member 1