Corps Ministry Team [Corps Council]

A Local Officer is a Salvation Army soldier [An enrolled member of the church] appointed to a position of responsibility and authority in a corps [The Salvation Army church]. A Local Officer carries out the duties of one's appointment without remuneration from The Salvation Army.  The Local Officers are the Corps Council Members [ex officio]. The Corps Council advises and assists the Corps Officers in matters concerning the progress and wellbeing of the church.  


  • Enrolled in The Salvation Army church as a soldier.
  • Has read the Orders and Regulations for Local Officers.
  • Attendance to church
  • Carry out one's duties to the best of one's abilities.

Local officer positions are as follows. 

  • Corps Sergeant Major [CSM]
  • Corps Secretary [CS]
  • Corps Treasurer [CT]
  • Recruiting Sergeant [RS]
  • Women's Ministries Secretary [WMS]
  • Bandmaster [B/M]
  • Songster Leader [S/L]
  • Older Adult Ministries Chaplin
Activity Shifts Start End
Corps Sergeant-Major 1
Mission Sergeant 1