Volunteer in-person at the Salaam Center to help clients with the details of daily life in a new country/foreign language - for example: reviewing mail, bills, government notices, making appointments, etc.
Teaching ESOL (English as a Second or Other Language) in a small group setting - either in person or on-line.
Meet 1-1 with client for conversation to help them practice their English. This is not a formal ESOL class.
Accompany Salaam Center personnel as they visit families in their homes or at the hospital.
Assist with Salaam Center Special Events - Christmas Party, Mother's Day Luncheon, etc. Opportunities may include planning, meal preparation, and/or volunteering at an event.
Provide rides to clients (doctor's appointments, school meetings, etc.).
Help pickup and/or deliver donated furniture and large home goods to clients using your truck or large passenger vehicle.
Accompany Salaam Center personnel on Prayer Walks through Baltimore neighborhoods.
Come alongside a refugee/immigrant family, offering friendship and life-assistance.
Please check if there are other ways in which you would like to volunteer at the Salaam Center.