NSEP Relief Pool
The WAAC Needle and Syringe Exchange Program (NSEP) serves people who inject drugs across Perth. We aim to prevent the spread of Blood Bourne Infections including HIV and Hep C. Our services include the provision of needle and syringe units, barrels and tips free on exchange or at low cost, safe disposal of used drug injecting equipment, education on harm reduction and safer drug use, referrals to services and health information. The program operates across nine sites around Perth. Two fixed locations (West Perth and Fremantle) and seven van sites (Rockingham, Mirrabooka, Joondalup, Belmont, Midland, Armadale and Gosnells). NSEP volunteers are trained in basic program operations and are placed in a relief pool so that they may be called upon to provide support to staff when needed. NSEP sites operate at various times between 12 noon and 6pm Monday to Friday. Tasks include site maintenance, materials stocking, serving clients and assisting with basic program administrative duties.